WBW News & Action: Strength Through Peace

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In June, WBW will hold a weekly discussion each of four weeks of Strength through Peace: how demilitarization led to peace and happiness in Costa Rica, and what the rest of the world can learn from a tiny, tropical nation with the co-author Judith Eve Lipton.

Volunteer Spotlight: Luz Mireya Mena González.

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#NoWar 2024 on September 20-22, 2024:
Put these dates in your calendar! Our annual conference will include real-world events on multiple continents, all livestreamed on Zoom to everywhere.


May 4: Online Debate: Can War Ever Be Justified?


World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.

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World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | PO Box 152, Toronto PO E, ON, M6H 4E2 Canada
World BEYOND War | CC Unicentro Bógota, Local 2-222 | Postal Code (Apartado Postal): 358646 Colombia

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