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On September 5, members of WILPF, the WBW California chapter, and the Guadalupe Catholic Worker peacefully protested at the Vandenberg Space Force Base near Lompoc, California, saying NO to the Minuteman III ICBM test launch from Vandenberg to the Marshall Islands.
Madison for a World BEYOND War in the Willy Street Parade.
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An amazing work of fiction that gets at the truth:
Online Book Club with Peter J Manos and Shadows: Sign up.
Sep. 20: Latin America and Youth Leadership.
Sep 21: Lanzamiento Capitulo La Paz Bolivia.
Sep 21: The State of Peace in Nigeria.
Sep 26: Time for a Ceasefire in Ukraine?
Nov 23-25: Imagine Africa Beyond War Conference
Some find it hard to believe, but NATO is planning a big celebration of 75 years of itself, with meetings beginning July 9, 2024, in Washington, D.C., at which we can expect many presidents, prime ministers, foreign secretaries, and weapons dealers. We are planning a summit on Saturday July 6 and a rally on Sunday July 7, as well as various other actions in the days before and after that weekend — including working with allies planning a peace walk from Santa Monica, California, to join us in Washington, D.C. with events all along the way.
News from Around the World:
Photos from the March for Climate and Peace in New York City on Sunday
Talk World Radio: Greg Barns on Efforts to Free Julian Assange
AUDIO: Discussion from 25th Kateri Peace Conference
Videos of Kateri Peace Conference
Video: Kathy Kelly Serenades War Profiteers
Giving the Peace Choir a Microphone
The Pentagon is the Elephant In the Climate Activist Room
How To Write And Talk About War, And How Not To
Our Town and Everyone’s Town Should Be Rallying for Peace
Prioritizing Human Rights in Relations with Saudi Arabia
Is CIA Director Bill Burns a Biden Yes-Man, a Putin Apologist or a Peacemaker?
Announcement of 6th International Conference for World Balance
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World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada
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Dear friends,
It makes me happy to learn of your good work, and send you my best wishes.