After a short hiatus, the Toronto WBW chapter officially relaunched on October 22, 2023! Get involved by using the contact form at the bottom of this page to get in touch or clicking the “Join Chapter Mailing List” button on the right. And make sure to join us on instagram, facebook, and twitter.
About Our Chapter
We’re a new grassroots group of people in the city coming together to do everything we can to resist Canadian militarism and stand in solidarity with everyone in the world harmed by our country and its allies’ violence.
Right now, we’re showing up as hard as we possibly can for an end to violence in Palestine. Every day we’re organizing and supporting weapons blockades, art builds, protests, direct actions, marches, mobilizing crews to put up thousands of posters around the city, and more.
Over the long-haul Toronto World BEYOND War works to educate and mobilize people to advocate for a world beyond war, one based on peace and demilitarization. We provide a platform for education, local activism and advocacy on issues and campaigns such as: implementing a fair and human foreign policy; rolling back Canadian contracts to US and NATO defense for weapons and machinery; cancelling the Toronto air(war) show; divesting our national and corporate funds from weapons; cancelling Canada’s planned purchase of its first armed military drones; solidarity with frontline struggles facing militarized violence; advocating for policies that reallocate war dollars to human and environmental needs; urging our elected officials to end support for NATO and the continuing illegal wars abroad; and much more. Learn more about some of the national campaigns we participate in here.
Chapter campaigns
Chapter news and views
World BEYOND War and Allies Build Opposition to Toronto Air Show
Opinion is shifting and opposition is growing against the annual military advertisement that is the Toronto Air Show. #WorldBEYONDWar
Stop the Toronto Air Show
The Canadian air force blatantly uses the air show as an opportunity to sanitize war and recruit. #WorldBEYONDWar
Hundred Pro-Palestinian Protestors from Across the Greater Toronto Area Block Morning Shift from Entering Manufacturing Facility of Brampton Armoured Vehicle Company, Roshel
The protest is being organized by Brampton4Palestine, Labour For Palestine, Palestinian Youth Movement Toronto, Brampton4Ceasefire, Jews Say No to Genocide, and World BEYOND War. #WorldBEYONDWar
Constituents of 45 Canadian MPs Held Rallies Across Country on Thursday for Arms Embargo on Israel
On Thursday, June 13th, constituents of 45 MPs paid visits to their riding offices, demanding that they call for a full and immediate arms embargo on Israel. The delegations carried giant versions of #ArmsEmbargoNow. #WorldBEYONDWar
Canadian Minister of National “Defence” Is Interrupted By Decent Human Being
Today we interrupted a keynote speech by Canadian Minister of War Bill Blair to call out his complicity in the genocide in Gaza and demand an immediate arms embargo on Israel. #WorldBEYONDWar
Report Back on the 5-hour Arms Embargo Blockade of a Critical U.S.-Canada Freight Line in Toronto
On Tuesday April 16th, hundreds of people in Toronto shut down a critical US-Canada freight line for 5 hours demanding a full arms embargo on Israel and an end to the genocide in Gaza. #WorldBEYONDWar