Tell the Pentagon to stop “helping” in Iraq and Ukraine

To: U.S. Congress, President, Department of “Defense”

Stop arming Iraq. And do not bomb or send in troops. Remove U.S. drones immediately. Pursue a ceasefire and negotiations, working through the United Nations and the Arab League.

Why is this important?
Iraq needs actual aid, not “military aid.” A policy of promoting, facilitating, and engaging in violence has produced nothing but disasters for decades.

To: U.S. Congress, President, Department of “Defense”

We call on the U.S. government to work with other NATO governments to cancel the Rapid Trident exercise, and to commit to not participating in military exercises in Ukraine.

Why is this important?
We note with great concern that U.S. and other NATO troops are scheduled to participate in joint military exercises in Ukraine in July as part of NATO’s Rapid Trident maneuvers. Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Its participation in military exercises by a nuclear-armed alliance with a first-strike policy can only further destabilize the country.

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