Pivot2Peace, South Georgian Bay Chapter

About Our Chapter

The South Georgian Bay (SGB) Chapter for World BEYOND War had its inaugural meeting June 24th 2019, in Collingwood, Ontario. Our Chapter has about 120 subscribing members, with as many as 20 active at any given time. We communicate with our members in a monthly email, and hold a one-hour meeting (currently by Zoom) on the last Monday of the month. We are encouraging 700 people (3.5% of Collingwood) to sign the WBW Peace Pledge, and we create an annual awareness-raising event on the International Day of Peace in September (see photos on our website www.pivot2peace.com). We have named our group Pivot2Peace and set up our own website. Please check it out for more information on past and current activities, or contact Dave at dpmorton9@gmail.com or SGB Chapter Coordinator, Helen, at Helen.jeanalda.peacock@gmail.com. We believe the tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic has a silver lining. It has opened people’s minds to the fact that we are all connected, and no one is safe unless we are all safe. We want to embrace this new consciousness to create a Canada that is a true Peace-building force, both at home, and in the world.

Our Campaigns

The South Georgian Bay (SGB) Chapter for World BEYOND War is working on three fronts: actions within Canada, projects within the Rotary organization worldwide, and work for the Peace Education and Action for Impact collaborative effort between Rotary Action Group for Peace and World BEYOND War. Twice a month, every month, chapter members picket outside their local MPP’s office to protest Canada’s planned $19 billion purchase of fighter jets. They also attend and participate in various actions coordinated through the Canada-wide Peace and Justice Network, including protesting the Lockheed Martin sponsored airshow at the Canadian National Exhibition. Chapter coordinator Helen Peacock wrote a resolution asking Rotary International (RI) to endorse the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and she has been advocating for the resolution worldwide. She has given dozens of Zoom presentations, from Australia to Russia, from India to the United States, from audiences of 20 attendees to audiences of 300. In the process, she has connected with thousands of Rotarians. YouTube videos of the presentations are posted online and have been viewed by many more, and support within Rotary Clubs and Districts for RI to endorse the TPNW has increased by 50%.

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Chapter news and views

Guy Feugap, Helen Peacock and Heinrich Beucker of World Beyond War

World BEYOND War Podcast: Chapter Leaders From Cameroon, Canada and Germany

For the 23rd episode of our podcast, we spoke to three of our chapter leaders: Guy Feugap of World BEYOND War Cameroon, Helen Peacock of World BEYOND War South Georgian Bay, and Heinrich Buecker of World BEYOND War Berlin. The resulting conversation is a bracing record of the intersecting planetary crises of 2021, and a reminder of the crucial need for resistance and action on both regional and global levels.

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Remembrance Day Remarks in South Georgian Bay

On this day, 75 years ago, a peace treaty was signed ending WWII, and ever since, on this day, we remember and honour the millions of soldiers and civilians who  died in World Wars I and II;  and the millions and millions more who died, or had their lives destroyed, in the over 250 wars since WWII.   But remembering those who died  is not enough.

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