Please support World Beyond War’s September, 2015, social media campaign!
We’re focusing on the theme of #peace, in collaboration with all of the events associated with International Peace Day this month.
We’ll be emphasizing the idea that peace is something people need to actively work for, and encouraging people to get actively involved in one or more of the many ways to work for peace detailed in the World Beyond War publication, A Global Security System: An Alternative to War (AGSS).
We’ll be adding new images daily here — some based on your social media contributions! — and linking them to key sections of AGSS.
Help us share this message on social media:
Retweet our September campaign tweet and like @worldbeyondwar on Twitter.
Like and share our September Campaign message on Facebook, and like World Beyond War on Facebook.
. . . AND . . .
Of course, please be sure to sign the World Beyond War Declaration of Peace, and receive regular updates.
(More on the main World Beyond War social media page!)
Help us show and tell how people everywhere are working to make peace happen by creating a meme and sharing it with us (@worldbeyondwar):
Examples below . . .
(More social media about nonviolence actions all during September – see @CampaignNV!)
(Join the @PeaceandPlanet campaign to tell what #PeaceIs to you!)
(See Peace Day activities by Veterans for Peace chapters around the country and around the world!)
(More nuclear disarmament updates at @napf!)