The Nobel Peace Prize Watch

Nobel Peace Prize – shortlist 2017

We could no longer allow selection process to remain secret.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee keeps everything secret for 50 years, unfortunately they also conceal the specific peace vision Nobel wished to support. The NPP Watch, seeing a selection process with open discussion of the candidates as well as Nobel and his intention more in line with modern and democratic ideas, decided to publish a shortlist of all candidates we could find, with the full nomination letter. To be included in our list:

  1. A nomination must have been sent to the Nobel committee
  2. within the time limit – Feb. 1 each year (NB: In 2017 new time limit: Jan. 31.)
  3. by a person within the categories entitled to nominate, and
  4. NPPW has proof and can publish the nomination proper
  5. the NPPW considers the candidate within the circle Nobel wished his “prize for the champions of peace” to serve


Abolition 2000, international organization

Benjamin, Medea, USA

Bolkovac, Kathryn, USA

Ellsberg, Daniel, USA

Engle, Dawn, USA

Falk, Richard, USA

Ferencz, Benjamin, USA

Galtung, Johan, Norway

Global Zero, international organization

Nihon Hidankyo, antinuclear organization

IALANA, International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms, Berlin, New York, Colombo (Sri Lanka)

Kelly, Kathy, USA

Krieger, David, USA

Kuyukov, Karipbek, Kazakhstan

Lindner, Evelin, main basis Norway

Mayors for Peace, international organization

Nazarbayev, Nursultan, Kazakhstan

Oberg, Jan, Sweden

Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND)

Roy, Arundhati , India

Snowden, Edward Joseph, USA (in exile)

Sunanjieff, Ivan, USA

Swanson, David, USA

Unfold Zero, international organization

Weiss, Peter, USA

Nominated by Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate 1976:

Medea Benjamin, USA

“Medea is the co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK and the co-founder of the human rights group Global Exchange. While her anti-war work dates back to her high school years during the Vietnam War in the l960s and continued in Africa and Central America in the l970s and l980s her most important recent work has been in response to the 2001 9/11 attacks in the United States. … (she) took 9/11 family members to Afghanistan to meet with the innocent victims of US bombing, then brought the 9/11 families to Washington over and over again to lobby for a compensation fund for the Afghan victims, something they achieved in 2005.

To stop the invasion of Iraq, cofounded, the women’s peace group CODEPINK … also a founder of the broad US-based coalition of l,500 groups called United for Peace and Justice that co-ordinated anti-war activities throughout the United States. Globally, she was one of the initiators of the 2002 World Social Forum call for a global day of action against the invasion of Iraq on February 15, 2003. …. set up the Occupation Watch Centre to chronicle the activities of US/Coalition forces in Iraq. This Centre documented and spoke out against the torture and abuse in the Abu Graib prison long before the international media publicized abuses. … When US warfare in the Middle East turned from deployment of soldiers to the use of killer drones, Medea was on the forefront of the anti-drone movement. She wrote the book ‘Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control’ in 2013 and travelled to 200 US cities educating and mobilizing the public. … Her direct questioning of President Obama about drone victims during his 2013 foreign policy address was publicized throughout the world. It helped shine a light on the innocent people killed by US drone strikes and contribute to imposing greater government controls over their use.

Medea’s most recent work has focused on the negative impact of the Western nations’ alliance with the regime in Saudi Arabia, particularly the enormous weapons sales to that nation. Her recent book Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S. Saudi connection, has helped galvanize a new movement opposing US weapons sales to the regime, especially in the light of the devastating Saudi bombing campaign in Yemen.”

Nominated by prof. Terje Einarsen, Uni of Bergen and prof. Aslak Syse, Uni of Oslo, with secretarial assistance from the Norwegian Peace Council:

Kathryn Bolkovac, USA Arundhati Roy, India Edward Snowden, USA (in exile)

“Arundhati Roy is an Indian author and activist, and one of the most inspiring and powerful critics in our time of modern military power, nuclear weapons and neo-imperialism. Roy’s life and work have a clear international dimension, fighting against global injustice with the destructive tug of war over power and influence at its center. Her strong warning against nuclear weapons in the text “The End of Imagination” indicates just how self-destructive and irrational man has become in the chase for control and power. She writes: “The nuclear bomb is the most anti-democratic, anti-national, anti-human, evil thing that man has ever made.” In “War is Peace”, she writes about the contradictory idea that peace can be achieved through military means; War is not peace – peace is peace. …. ”

The three… stood up to defend democracy, peace, and justice against the threats that the military always entails, even in cases where the intention may be good. This is a very important focus in our time, where the future will be characterized by major global challenges requiring a massive common preference of peaceful means.

[A Nobel] to Snowden, Bolkovac and Roy will be a prize in accordance with Alfred Nobel’s will, prescribing that the prize shall be awarded to champions of peace who promote global cooperation (the fraternity of nations) on a world order that seeks peace by peaceful means. Snowden, Bolkovac and Roy come from different backgrounds and the peace work they engage in takes different forms. Together they show the need for a far more demilitarized world order building on morality, solidarity, courage and justice.”

Nominated by Marit Arnstad, MP Norway

Daniel Ellsberg, USA

“Has won recognition as the «grand old man» among whistleblowers”

« …. I 2016 er Ellsberg også blitt tildelt byen Dresdens fredspris. Seremonien ble filmet i sin helhet og er lagt ut på nett her. Ellsbergs tale ved seremonien starter etter en time (løper fra 1:05 til 1:44) demonstrerer hvordan han belyser de store spørsmål om menneskenes sikkerhet og fremtid – og vårt individuelle ansvar for å hindre misbruk av militær og politisk makt. Hans tema, å forebygge og hindre militær maktbruk, er selve kjerneideen i «prisen for fredsforkjempere» som Nobel beskrev i sitt testament.

Gjennom media og foredrag bidrar Daniel Ellsberg til at stadig nye generasjoner blir opplyst om de utfordringene det sivile samfunn står overfor når det gjelder hemmelighold, kanskje særlig i situasjoner hvor forsvarsinteresser føler at den offentlige oppmerksomheten blir for nærgående. Det er særlig gledelig at dokumentarskapere interesserer seg for hans livsskjebne og hans budskap. Han hadde for eksempel en framskutt plass i dokumentaren «Digital Dissidents» (produsert 2015, sendt på NRK januar 2016). ….»

Nominated by Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi:

Dawn Engle, USA           Ivan Sunanjieff, USA

The nominees, a married couple, have initiated and devoted their lives to a project mainly aimed at engaging young people in peace and non-violence. Their work has received 16 nominations fot Nobel´s peace prize; the PeaceJam Foundation has been nominated 9 times for the holding of Peace Congresses worldwide, as well; and the One Billion Acts of Peace Campaign has been nominated 8 times. The key principle that underlies all of their work is our strong belief that humanity can create non-militaristic, non-killing societies, ending the proliferation of weapons and ending war.

In 2016 they launch a new initiative in Europe to help build peace between groups with ethnic backgrounds, in the wake of the Paris and Brussels bombings and the large influx of new migrants to Europe, many of whom are Muslim.

Note to Nobel Committee: This is a broad mobilization of youth for peace and understanding over a long period of time, working with inspiring models of
high international status (several Nobel laureates). Peace Jam (rather than the Campaign «One billion Acts for Peace») has a rather broad range of concerns. It would, considering Nobel´s intention, seem to be possible to describe the Peace Jam activity sufficiently clear in its direction against weapons and militarism to make a peace prize legitimate.

Nominated by Jan Oberg, Director Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, Sweden and Prof Farzeen Nasri, Ventura College, USA:

Richard Falk, USA

A legal scholar working with world order models, global governance, nuclear disarmament to realize UN Charter and peace by peaceful means

“I noticed with considerable satisfaction the emphasis the Nobel Committee chair, Kaci Kullmann Five, placed on Alfred Nobel and his will in her opening words in the Nobel speech on Dec. 10, 2015.

The reference to dialogue, negotiations, and disarmament as central aspects of Nobel’s peace vision was in fine harmony with Nobel´s specific recipe for preventing wars by global co-operation on disarmament.

Professor Richard A. Falk, USA, is a world renown scholar who has invested unique skills and energy in a life-long commitment to Nobel’s stated goals through consistent work with world order models as well as global governance based on the rule of law and a strong democratic civil society.

His immense production – based on both academic and on-the-ground work – directly points to the many opportunities for creating a world in which there are no nuclear weapons and most conflicts are solved in adherence with the UN Charter’s highest norm (Article 1) that peace shall be created by peaceful means – a term which by definition implies nuclear abolition, de-militarisation and the achievement of the world community’s decade old commitment to general and complete disarmament.

Nominated by Prof. of Philosophy and Religion Hope May, Central Michigan Uni, USA:

Benjamin Ferencz, USA

At 96, he reminds us of the work that we have yet to accomplish – such as criminalizing aggressive war – and realizing Nobel’s vision to build a world order where the Law takes precedence over Power, and where the Power of Law is stronger than the Law of Power. He appeals to young people to continue this
intergenerational project. For these efforts, Ferencz deserves to be recognized by the world’s population and to be seen as a most ardent worker in the full awakening of the human conscience, slow and halting though it is.

Nominated by Prof. em of Law and International organization Richard Falk, Uni of Princeton:

Johan Galtung, Norway

“Johan Galtung has been the sort of dedicated warrior for peace that it seems to me the Nobel Prize was created to honor and by so doing raise public consciousness of what must happen if we are to overcome the war system and enjoy the material, political, and spiritual benefits of living in a world of peace premised on the nonviolent resolution of disputes among sovereign states and respect for the authority of international law.
For decades Johan Galtung has been an inspirational presence in the field of peace studies broadly conceived. His exceptional vitality and mobility has brought this message of understanding and insight into peace with justice to the four corners of the planet in a remarkable fashion that is truly unique in its educational and activist impact. It is no exaggeration to write that he invented and established the field of peace studies as a respected subject of study in institutions of higher learning throughout the world. As a consequence of his charismatic speaking ability and seminal writing Johan Galtung has reached the hearts and minds of thousands of people throughout the world, conveying the belief above all that peace is possible through the dedicated efforts of ordinary people if they are work to change the political climate sufficiently to educate the public and exert pressure on the political leaders of the world as well as on global media.

With all due respect, the time is long overdue to honor those who through thought and deed have brought Alfred Nobel’s vision to life for students and activists of all civilizational backgrounds. It is only by creating this global peace consciousness at the grassroots level that we can have any realistic hope of overcoming the entrenched militarism and autocratic politics that remains so dominant in governmental bureaucracies throughout the world.”

Nominated by Director of a peace research institute, the Basel Peace Office, Alyn Ware, Switzerland:

Global Zero, international organization

Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan
Karipbek Kuyukov, Kazakhstan

“Nuclear weapons are primarily a political weapon, not one currently used in the battlefield. As such, there is no single approach to eliminating the threat. Success in achieving nuclear abolition will require a combination of approaches, some emphasizing the inhumanity and illegality of nuclear weapons, others emphasizing the economic and political costs, and others emphasizing the possibilities to achieve security without relying on nuclear deterrence. …. Global Zero leaders include very influential legislators and former officials from the nuclear armed and allied States. They produce influential reports and hold effective consultations and meetings in the capitals of nuclear- armed states.
Global Zero youth have been instrumental in raising the issue through social media, at international conferences, in mainstream media, and most recently in the US presidential election campaign, where they managed to raise the nuclear weapons issue in town hall meetings with most of the presidential candidates.»

President Nazarbayev:
President Nursultan Nazarbayev stands out as a leader who has taken a number of significant nuclear disarmament initiatives during his 22 years as leader of Kazakhstan. ….not only has a commitment to the achievement of a nuclear-weapons-free world, but continues to take a number of initiatives that are influential in the process to achieve such a world. A Nobel Peace Prize would enhance the influence and support these processes globally.



Karipbek Kuyukov:
« … a hero of the nuclear age who is highlighting the tragic experience of his region in Kazakhstan – devastated by the long-term effects of Soviet nuclear tests. The ATOM Project, which he leads, informs the world of the catastrophic humanitarian and environmental impact of nuclear weapons and the imperative for nuclear abolition. A second generation victim of nuclear tests, Karipbek was born with severe health complications, including being born with no arms. …”


“A joint nomination of Nursultan Nazarbayev (President of Kazakhstan) and Karipbek Kuyukov (Honorary Ambassador of the ATOM Project) for their dedicated and effective actions to highlight the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons, as well as for their leadership in promoting a nuclear-weapons-free world.

Nuclear weapons are recognized as the most extreme form of violence. They are the most destructive of all weapons in terms of their explosive force, the poisons they release (radiation), and the long-term and severe impact on human health and the environment, including their potential for catastrophic climatic consequences.»

NOTE to the Nobel Committee: The nomination does not clarify, but seems to indicate, that the two nomineee do not see the solution, as Nobel indicated in his will, in the global co-operation on «creating a brotherhood of (disarmed) nations» – but nuclear disarmament is the most immediate and mandatory urgency to secure a future for humankind.

Nominated by Thore Vestby, MP Norway:

Global Zero, International organization
Abolition 2000, International organization
Unfold Zero, International organization

““If nobody had them, nobody would need them”, is a saying that gains ground. It has now come to be a point that is has been expressed by President Xi in a ground-breaking speech to the Davos World Economic Forum, and by Presidents Putin and Trump who have raised the possibility of a Reykjavik Summit that would finally deliver on the promise of the 1986 Reykjavik Summit between Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev.

In addition, the United Nations General Assembly has decided to convene negotiations in 2017 on a nuclear ban treaty, and to hold a High Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament in 2018 to build political traction and global support for nuclear disarmament measures leading to a nuclear-weapon-free world.

I believe that the 3 organisations nominated have been instrumental in these positive developments, and their continued work will be vital to the success of the bi-lateral, pluri- and multilateral initiatives mentioned above. ”

Nominated by Prof. of History, Director Nuclear Studies Institute, Peter Kuznick, American Uni, Washington DC, USA:

Nihon Hidankyo, antinuclear organization

“Awarding Hidankyo the prize would be our way of recognizing their extraordinary contribution to world peace and of thanking them, in the name of all humanity, for their moral example. It would also help reinvigorate the fight for nuclear abolition at a time when the sense of urgency has largely disappeared even though, as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists had made clear, the risk of nuclear war is as great as ever. The doomsday clock now stands at two and a half minutes before midnight and the latest scientific evidence confirms our worst fear that the threat posed by nuclear winter is not only real, it is actually greater than experts understood when they released the initial studies in the 1980s. ”

Nominated by Prof. of History Phillip C. Naylor, Marquette, Uni, Wisconsin, USA:

Kathy Kelly, USA

“An ardent pacifist, she has reported brutality from numerous war zones, e.g., Gaza and Afghanistan, and protested the use of torture and drone warfare. Her peacemaking has led to jail sentences, but she remains steadfast in her engagement. I am particularly pleased that Marquette University has acquired the Voices in the Wilderness archive. Its documentation complements the Dorothy Day papers. In many ways, Kathy Kelly is a worthy successor to Dorothy Day—courageous, dedicated women committed to peace and humanity.”

Nominated by Jack Kultgen, Prof. em of Philosophy, Uni of Missouri, USA:

David Krieger, USA
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, NAPF, USA

Krieger and NAPF, as consultant to the Marshall Islands, have supported the call lawsuits against the nuclear weapons states in the UN Court at the Hague. The foundation built a consortium of nearly one hundred organizations in the world that agreed to do likewise.

“World peace still eludes us humans and nuclear weapons still threaten us. But at least we are conscious of the danger, and it is people like David Krieger that make us aware of it and, more importantly, teach us what needs to be done to escape it. He has dedicated his entire life to the cause and displayed the intelligence, moral character and practical sense to advance that cause in significant ways. His principal instrument, the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, has proven to be a dynamic and effective organization.»

Nominated for 2017 by Associate Prof. of Philosophy Inga Bostad, Uni of Oslo:

Evelin Lindner, Norway

«… In a meaningful and substantial way she has helped promote and facilitate the peace through global collaboration that is the essence of the peace work that Nobel intended to support with the prize. Lindner’s groundbreaking research on humiliation and its role in creating and maintaining conflict and as a barrier to international understanding is of utmost importance in a situation where countries need to meet in “peace congresses” to lay the foundation for “fraternity between nations,” to highlight two of the most essential terms that Alfred Nobel used in his testament. ….”


Nominated by Prof. of History Lawrence S. Wittner, State Uni of New York/at Albany, USA:

Mayors for Peace, international organization

“one of the most imaginative and successful of the many organizations and movements that are in the forefront of the campaign for the global elimination of nuclear weapons: Mayors for Peace.
…. , in your deliberations, priority should be given to individuals and movements involved in peace issues with an obvious global significance which, moreover, are urgently demanding a solution. Furthermore, the successful nominee should meet the criteria specified by Alfred Nobel in his will.

It is clearly unrealistic to expect in the foreseeable future “the abolition or reduction of standing armies,” but the reduction and abolition of nuclear armaments is a feasible and, indeed, urgent task of the world community. It is also an obligation under Article 6 of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. This was reiterated in the unanimous opinion of the International Court of Justice issued on July 8, 1996, which stated that “there exists an obligation to pursue in good faith and bring to a conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament.””

Nominated by Christian Juhl, MP, Denmark (also in 2015):

Dr. Jan Oberg, Sweden

“In 2015, Mr. Oberg used the occasion of TFF’s 30th Anniversary, to mobilize the foundation´s great network for an international seminar with its Associates, webcast live around the world and resulting in 15 videos on international affairs. As part of its ever-growing outreach, it also launched the online magazine «Transnational Affairs” .

During 2015 TFF focused on Iran and Burund, two main trouble spots and took an early leading role in advocating, already in May, a genuine humanitarian intervention as a response to the tragic developments in Burundi. With its specific knowledge obtained during 12 years of work in the country Mr. Oberg and the TFF was in a special position to contribute to preventing war – Both with its international scope and its preventive character Mr. Oberg´s work fulfills main purposes of Nobel´s prize.»

Nominated by Prof Aytuğ Atıcı, MP, Turkey and Prof. Kristian Andenæs, Uni of Oslo, and Dr. Marouf Bakhit, Jordanian Senate

Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND)

Efforts by Parliamentarians, across all divisions of nationality, religion, political and economic systems – the true Nobel spirit
PNND members have built parliamentary support from all states in the Middle East (including Israel) for the proposal for a Middle East Zone Free from Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction. …. runs the Framework Forum, which brings governments together in track two diplomatic roundtables to discuss how to make progress on multilateral nuclear disarmament. … PNND has strong partnerships or cooperation with virtually all the international organisations working for nuclear disarmament, and has played a key role in building cooperation between them.
In 2012, PNND along with the World Future Council, United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs and the Inter Parliamentary Union organized a Future Policy Award focusing on best operating policies for disarmament. The Award ceremony, at the United Nations, highlighted policies on nuclear disarmament and on gun control – and encouraged governments, parliaments and civil society to spread these policies.

In 2013, PNND working with Global Zero, moved nearly 2/3rds of the members of the European Parliament to endorse (personally sign) a Written Declaration in Support of the Global Zero Plan for Nuclear Disarmament – making this European Parliament policy.”

Tthe nomination letter names outstanding achievements by individual PNND members, Federica Mogherini, Ed Markey, Jeremy Corbyn, Uta Zapf, Mani Shankar Aiyar, Atimova, Tony de Brum [nominated in person by IPB for 2016], Ui Hwa Chung, Taro Okada, Sabe Chowdury, Bill Kidd, Christine Muttonen.

The PNND Global Coordinator, Alyn Ware, was nominated for the 2015 Nobel

Jordanian Senate, Dr Marouf Bakhit:

“A Nobel Peace Prize would highlight the importance of this parliamentary work, recognize the incredible leadership of PNND and assist in building political support for the initiatives in which PNND is active. Therefore, *the Jordanian Senate House strongly nominates PNND for the Nobel Peace Prize.”

Nominated by Members of Parliament, Sweden: Jens Holm, Annika Lillemets, Wiwi-Anne Johansson, Carl Schlyter, Lotta Johnsson Fornarve, Amineh Kakabaveh, Valter Mutt, Daniel Sestrajcic, Annika Hirvonen Falk, Hans Linde

Edward Snowden, USA (in exile)

Alfred Nobel intended that the Peace Prize would promote disarmament. Today, militaries around the world place ever greater emphasis on engagement in cyberspace, with its almost unlimited possibilities for spying, disruption, and destruction. No one has sounded the alarm more eloquently than Edward Snowden as regards military encroachment upon the world’s systems of electronic communication, and how such encroachment violates rights of privacy and threatens the continued existence of democracy.

Edward Snowden became one of history’s great whistleblowers when he revealed to leading journalists that the United States conducts all-encompassing mass surveillance around the world. In a conscientious and responsible manner, he exposed a system in which the phone, internet and other communications of individuals and whole nations are intercepted and permanently stored. Snowden insisted that it must be up to an informed global citizenry to decide whether they wish to live in a world in which they are constantly monitored by the United States military. With courage and careful judgment, he initiated a global debate about surveillance systems that operate beyond democratic control and the rule of law. Many states are now trying to build up similar capacities as the US. Snowden´s work has permitted an open and democratic debate, globally, about the risks of cyberwarfare and global surveillance.

Snowden’s contribution is of particular importance today, when the American military’s capacities for interception and disruption in cyberspace are under the authority of a new commander-in-chief. President Donald J. Trump has expressed little intention to respect legal or ethical limits on the use of his power. It is therefore a particularly suitable moment to award the Nobel Prize for Peace to Edward Snowden.

Nominated by Prof. Jeff Bachman, American Uni, Washington, USA

David Swanson, USA

“In 2015, World Beyond War grew dramatically under Swanson’s direction to include people in 129 nations. World Beyond War produced a book authored by Swanson titled A Global Security System: An Alternative to War that has had an impact on discussions of U.S. foreign policy. Swanson has been a consistent and determined advocate for change in U.S.

In 2015, Swanson published numerous articles and gave many speeches advocating peace and the abolition of war. His articles are collected at He was an advocate of the nuclear agreement with Iran. Swanson visited Cuba in 2015, met with the staff of the not-yet U.S. embassy, and advocated for better and more just relations, including an end to the embargo and the return to Cuba of its land in Guantanamo. Also in 2015, Swanson has been active in the community of activists who oppose the entire institution of war, as well as in the general public through writing and speaking for reducing militarism and rethinking the idea that war is inevitable.

It is also important to note Swanson’s role with In 2015, Swanson worked as campaign coordinator for the online activist site. Through a combination of online and “real world” activism, has successfully brought pressure to achieve numerous steps toward peace, while building an online activist membership of 650,000 people for future action. In December 2015, a and World Beyond War petition urged the Congressional Research Service to resume reporting on international weapons sales after a three year hiatus. Within weeks, the CRS released a new report. … In January 2015, after a petition pushed the United States to negotiate with North Korea rather than rejecting its offer to halt nuclear tests, the U.S. did begin negotiating — with outcome yet to be determined. ”

Renominated for 2017 by Prof. Phillip Naylor, Marquette Uni, Milwaukee, USA

Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu has given warm recognition for David Swanson´s World Beyond War, see this video

Nominated by Prof Alf Petter Høgberg, Uni of Oslo (also in 2015, with co-nominators Nils Christie and Ståle Eskeland):

Peter Weiss, New York ALANA, International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms, Berlin, New York, Colombo (Sri Lanka) Juristen und Juristinnen gegen atomare, biologische und chemische Waffen, Berlin

«I resubmit the nomination for 2015, … In addition I would like to mention that in 2015, ”the last expired year,” IALANA, Peter Weiss, and the German section have continued to clarify the illegality of nuclear weapons law cooperating with and backing the case Marshall Islands is conducting at the UN Court, ICJ, on the obligations of nuclear-armed nations to engage in efficient procedures to abolish nuclear weapons. IALANA makes valiant efforts to develop international law through a treaty banning nuclear weapons adopted in international diplomacy.

The German IALANA branch is particularly active in a “Peace trough Law” project seeking to strengthen international law and make it a well known and operative feature of national and international relations. This work is at the core of Nobel´s idea of a “prize for the champions of peace.” The resort to court instead of arms was a key component of the peace thinking of Bertha von Suttner (arbitration and Schiedsgerichte) and the work of the “champions of peace” that Alfred Nobel wished to support by his prize.

… To develop a world governed by law, not power, was a central concern of Nobel using the term «brotherhood of nations» in his will and is central to the activities of the IALANA community.

for screening nominations qualified to win the Nobel “prize for the champions of peace”:

While others, the committee, parliamentarians, peace researchers, even peace people base their views on a VERY wide understanding of «peace» (= they use the prize as they like) the NPPW list is based on studies of what counts under the law, what Nobel actually wanted.

The best, most direct, access to Nobel´s own understanding of the “champions of peace” he described in his will lies in his correspondence with Bertha von Suttner, the leading peace protagonist of the period. The letters deal with breaking the arms race-driving logic of the old saying: “If you wish peace, prepare for war” and how to make countries agree on this.

Thus the purpose of Nobel – to liberate all nations from weapons, warriors and wars – has been decisive in our screening. The prize is primarily meant to prevent wars, not resolve old conflicts. It is not a prize for good deeds, but for a basic reform of international relations.

Candidates that work for global co-operation on international law and disarmament directly are the primary winners – but also important work that indirectly serves to illustrate the imperative need for international demilitarization should be considered. But to deserve the Nobel prize activities should point beyond resolution of local situations.

At the time of Nobel many statesmen listened to the voices for peace and disarmament,
today very few officials and politicians hold the peace view that Nobel wished to support. In our view the prize must keep up with the times and in today´s world belongs mainly to the grassroots, civil society, that contest the official culture of violence, not to leaders who just respond to political processes as they are supposed to in a democracy.

“I like to believe that people, in the long run, are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it.” US President Dwight D. Eisenhower 1959

Alfred Nobel would have liked to see his committee think along the same lines.

Nobel Peace Prize Watch, Feb 2, 2016


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