Love, Not Drone Murder. Valentines Day Plans for Syracuse, NY, US.

By Upstate Drone Action, January 31, 2021

Please join us  in the Valentine’s Day Celebration on Sunday, Feb. 14, 2021 , 1 pm at Hancock Field.

We will gather at 12:15 pm at May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society (MMUUS), 3800 East Genesee St., Syracuse, 13214.

At 12:40 pm, the group will go to Hancock.  No arrests are anticipated.  Folks are required to wear a mask and to socially distance.

For information call: Rae Kramer at 315.445.2840 or John Amidon at 518.312.6442.

UDA statement:

Dear Hancock Field, Air National Guard: 

“What if what you do to survive kills the things you love?” Bruce Springsteen asks this poignant question in a song (Devils and Dust) about a soldier fighting in Iraq. Our nation has been in a downward spiral. Beginning with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, now in free fall with the COVID 19 pandemic, the collapsing economy and the January 6 Capitol Insurrection, we are impelled to ask this very question today. Have we killed the things we love?

Have we become Drone Nation? Are all of us, in one way or another, just following orders and remotely controlled (directly or indirectly), or do we still have the capacity for following our conscience and our freedom of choice?

Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us to know, “Love is the only force capable of transforming  an enemy into a friend” – –  which points to a very real solution so sadly overlooked by our government. So little money spent on friendship and love and helping people and so much money on war. 

Dr. Cornel West, a man who has stood with us in front of this very gate at Hancock Field, reminds  us, “Never forget, justice is what love looks like in public.”  Have our seemingly endless wars and the use of force brought justice to this nation today?

We are here because of the 174th’s drone assassination program, and we are here because of love.  We know you are our brothers and sisters and are part of our collective family.   Paul Connett, new to our group, spoke eloquently at the last vigil. He said, “to kill people anonymously, from thousands of miles away, from an office, it is a different kind of warfare.” This is bringing us all low. 

We ask you to look deeply within. Is what you are doing to survive destroying your conscience and destroying the things you love? 

John Amidon for Upstate Drone Action

The event is endorsed by:

Broome County Peace Action
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 10 Albany,NY
Veterans for Peace, Chapter 90 Broome County, NY
World BEYOND War

Sign the petition to ban weaponized drones.

Phone your U.S. Representative and Senators at (202) 224-3121.

One Response

  1. All my respect. Canada sells tanks to Saudi Arabia. We too are a country complicit in war evil.

    Marie Lloyd,
    Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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