The WAT community will gather together in Washington D.C. from January 5th thru January 13th. You are invited to fast with us for a day, fast with us from Jan. 5-12, and to join us in Washington!
This January 11, 2015, the detention facility at Guantánamo will enter its fourteenth year of operation. Despite the recent release of some detained men, more than 100 remain imprisoned, including dozens who are cleared for transfer. While we celebrate the freedom of those released, we cannot stand idly by waiting for executive action to determine the fate of those still in Guantánamo.
In Washington., we will use our creative energy to encourage citizens and government officials to see the humanity of the men in Guantánamo, to call for the closure of the prison, and to seek an end to torture. The Senate report on CIA torture describes acts that shock the conscience. Our actions during the week will also call for the prosecution of those who authorized, designed, ordered, and carried out torture policies
Many of us will be fasting in solidarity with the men in Guantánamo as they continue to suffer the torture of indefinite detention, separation from their families, and force-feeding. We fast because of a mutual desire for freedom and justice that connects our lives to theirs.
How can you participate?
Join us for the duration of the fast: January 5th thru the 13th.
We still have space available for those that wish to come to Washington D.C. for the entire time. We have actions and activities planned for everyday of the week. Join us for this time of shared solidarity, mutual support and creative collective actions.
If you are wondering what to expect, click here to watch this video of our 2014 Fast
Join us for the weekend activities: January 9th to the 13th:
During the weekend, we have very special events and actions planned If you cannot make it for the duration, come for the weekend! Activities include:
Saturday, January 10th 8pm: From Ferguson to Guantánamo: Institutionalized Brutality & Torture: A Panel Discussion. Location: First Trinity Lutheran Church
4th & E Street NW. The discussion will feature activists and attorneys involved in the struggles against police violence, racial profiling, and US detention policies.
Sunday, January 11th 1pm: Interfaith Prayer Vigil (Sponsored by NRCAT and Interfaith Action for Human Rights) 1:30pm Rally to close Guantánamo at the White House followed by a march to the Department of Justice.Click here to read The Call to Action.
Monday, January 12th: Witness Against Torture’s Nonviolent Direct Action. TBD.
We shut down a Federal Court when the courts refused to allow the men from Guantánamo in. We held a memorial in the Capitol Rotunda for men who had died at Guantánamo. We shut down the United States Supreme Court calling for justice for men in Guantánamo. We have lined the sidewalk in front of the White House hundreds of times, in orange jumpsuits and black hoods. We took over the Museum of American History imploring “Make Guantánamo History!”
This year, as 132 men remain in Guantánamo,
as we enter the 14th year of the prisons existence,
as 64 men are cleared for release…
We are looking for 64 people to join us on January 12th.
Fast with us in your home community:
You are invited to join us from afar. Every year people join us in fasting and organizing actions in their home communities. During this time, we will stay connected with you through our daily updates and direct contact, as helpful. If you are considering fasting with us from afar please let us know!
If you have any questions, please email us at
Witness Against Torture on Social Media:
Please “like us on Facebook & follow us on Twitter & Instagram
Check out our latest news and updates on Tumblr.
Post any pictures of your local activities to ourflicker account and we will help spread the word.
Donate to support our work:
Witness Against Torture is completely volunteer driven and run. We have no paid staff, but do have expenses associated with our organizing work. If you are able, please donate here.