Help Is Needed at the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, D.C.

World BEYOND War, May 15, 2019

Your help is needed right now to protect the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, D.C. from supporters of a coup and a war. Hopefully, your help will still be needed tomorrow and the next day and especially on Saturday! Get there when you can, and bring friends.

Keep up with the latest developments at Embassy Protection Collective on Facebook, and DC Media Group.

Here’s some background:

Venezuela Embassy Protection Collective Defies Unlawful “No Trespass” Order

Humanitarian Aid Blocked from Entering Venezuelan Embassy in Washington D.C.

A Military Psy-Ops Campaign in the Heart of Washington is Directed at U.S. Citizens

Holding the Fort: reporting from the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington

Activists Continue to Hold Venezuelan Embassy in Washington

Inside the Venezuelan Embassy in DC: An Interview With Margaret Flowers and Pat Elder

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