No New Authorization for the Use of Military Force
The U.S. Congress is considering another “Authorization for the Use of Military Force” — a broad approval for more war.
This is the last thing we need. These wars are not making us safer but generating enemies. They are not surgical operations, but mass killings, as well as assaults on the natural environment and the public budget — not to mention excuses for curtailing civil liberties.
Please sign this statement for delivery to the media and Congress:
By taking action you agree that you may be contacted by one or more of the participating organizations. This petition is a joint project of: Conference of Major Superiors of Men, Iraq Veterans Against the War,, Military Families Speak Out, Peace Action, Peace Action Montgomery,, United National Antiwar Coalition, Upstate Coalition to Ground the Drones, U.S. Labor Against the War, World Beyond War.
One Response
Do you need to be spending countless monies on conflict throughout the world and creating new enemies for yourselves?
It would be much much better if you withdrew your troops from around the world and spent the money on your own social problems.
Yours in problems
Richard Dennis