Category: Environment

Webinar Video: War Is Not Green — But Our Cities Can Be!

CODEPINK and World BEYOND War join the Global Center for Climate Justice to teach audience members and answer questions about: Finding your local government’s budget & divestment resources, checking their investments for fossil fuels and the war machine, and the power of cities to re-invest our money in a climate-just-peace economy.

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World Beyond War: A New Podcast

Episode 30: Glasgow and the Carbon Bootprint with Tim Pluta

Our latest podcast episode features an interview about the antiwar protests outside the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow with Tim Pluta, World BEYOND War’s chapter organizer in Spain. Tim joined a coalition to protest COP26’s weak stance on the “carbon bootprint”, the disastrous abuse of fossil fuels by military forces that USA and other nations refuse to acknowledge.

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