Category: Conflict Management

protest in Cameroon

Cameroon’s Long Civil War

A rupture and a long war between the government of Cameroon and its English-speaking population has been worsening since October 1, 1961, the date of the independence of the Southern Cameroon (Anglophone Cameroon). Violence, destruction, assassinations and horror are now the daily life of the people of Southern Cameroon.

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Webinar: What About World War II?

This webinar features David Swanson, Executive Director of World BEYOND War, discussing the “What about WWII?” question so popular among supporters of military spending, and the history of Armistice Day.

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Glorious Causes by Yale Magrass and Charles Derber

Glory: The Deadliest Drug

Yale Magrass and Charles Derber’s latest book is called Glorious Causes: The Irrationality of Capitalism, War, and Politics. I hope people are reading it. I worry, because after Mom, apple pie, and shopping, what are more popular than capitalism, war, and politics?

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