California Chapter

About Our Chapter

Founded in the Summer of 2020, California for a World BEYOND War offers a welcoming space for those who share a common vision: a world where all human conflict is resolved by nonviolent means. We provide a forum for both new and seasoned activists to engage in peace education, discussion, and action. We currently gather on Zoom every first and third Thursday evenings of the month; we look forward to expanding our activities in the future and meeting in person as opportunities unfold. All are welcome!

Our Campaigns

Billboard Campaign
At this critical moment, we must increase public awareness of the extreme size of the U.S. military budget. We’re grappling with climate disasters, food insecurity, water scarcity, housing shortages, and more. Faced with these mounting human and environmental crises, a much bigger share of our taxes must be used for constructive endeavors if we are to avoid catastrophe. California has a reputation for progressive values, but it’s high population makes it the top enabler of the war industry: we pay more federal taxes than any other state, and over half of them go to military spending. We need to make it clear to Californians: the war budget does not reflect our common values, and does nothing to mitigate the existential crises we are facing. In fact, the war industry is exacerbating humanity’s problems manyfold. Let’s seize this moment to shed light on this atrocity and the misguided priorities it represents! Will you chip in to help fund antiwar billboards like this around California?
California Peace Budget Resolution
We are campaigning to pass a California Peace Budget Resolution to move some of the hundreds of billions of our tax dollars from militarism to human and environmental needs. Campaign endorsers include: Dean Preston, District 5 Supervisor – San Francisco Board of Supervisors; World BEYOND War;; California for a World BEYOND War; CODEPINK; Plan of Action in a Changing Era; Food Not Bombs, Santa Cruz; Nevada County Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Committee; Veterans For Peace, Chap. 87; Humboldt Branch, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom; Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, Sacramento Branch.

Chapter news and views

WBW volunteer Bob McKechnie

Volunteer Spotlight: Robert (Bob) McKechnie

“I am a retired professional educator. After retirement I raised money for animal care and senior citizen ventures – good work. However, throughout those years, I continued to wonder what it would be like to raise money for a cause that really came from my heart …”

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