Bremerhaven Appeal – No to saber rattling – Stop the movement of troops!

By several groups and organizations in Germany

Starting on January 6, 2017, the U.S. Army will move a complete tank brigade with 4000 soldiers and more than 2,000 tanks, howitzers, jeeps and trucks via the german port of Bremerhaven for NATO maneuvers, which are going to take place for the period of nine months in Eastern Europe.

Bremerhaven for decades has been abused for the shipments of military hardware of all kinds. The current shipments are by far the  largest since the end of the Cold War.

From Bremerhaven the transport is heading east by trains, road and ship. German troops are also move to take part in the military exercises. Germany is therefore becoming a launching point for the operation.

We firmly reject this militaristic showdown against Russia. The consequences of these exercises are incalculable. The global political situation is tense. NATO’s saber-rattling on the doorstep of Russia raises the danger of war. The deployment of a tank brigade is not only threatening, but its is a concrete preparation for war. The Deputy Logistics Commissioner of EUCOM, the U.S. command in Stuttgart stated that the deployment it was also to prove the ability for combat in Europe, at right time and at the right place.

We need a new policy of de-escalation instead of more provocations. We want peace in Europe and around the world as well as the abolition of all wars. The ongoing arms race is wasting the money that humanity needs to effectively combat hunger, hardship and climate crises.

We want to stop military transports via Bremerhaven and call for other cities and communities to organize creative and determined protests. We call on mayors and municipal parliaments to protest against the military deployments via their cities and their ports.

• No to NATO exercises in Europe and worldwide

• No more german military war deployments abroad

• Stop arms exports

• For solidarity and a just world

We call for a protest on January 7 in Bremerhaven.

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supporters as of January 4:

Bremerhavener Initiative Mut zum Frieden; 
Bremer Friedensforum; Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft (DFG/VK-Bremen); 
Aachener Aktionsgemeinschaft „Frieden jetzt!”; 
Afrika-FreundInnen Bremen e. V.;
Aktionsbündnis Bremervörde; 
Alevitische Gemeinde; 
Arbeiterfotografie Bundesverband; 
attac Hamburg; 
Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin; 
DKP Bremen, Bremen-Nord und GO Fürstenwalde; 
Hamburger Forum für Völkerverständigung und weltweite Abrüstung e. V.; 
Informationsstelle Militarisierung; 
DIELINKE mit den Untergliederungen Landesverband Bremen,
Bremerhaven, KV Links der Weser, KV
Wesermarsch / Ortsverband Nordenham, Südkreis Cuxhaven; 
linksjugend [’solid] mit Landesverband Bremen und BHV/Cux; 
Kurdisch-Deutscher Gemeinschaftsverein; 
Initiative Nordbremer Bürger gegen den Krieg; 
Pusdorfer Friedensgruppe; 
Solidarische Hilfe Bremerhaven, Verein für gleiche Rechte; 
SAV Bremen, SAV Bremerhaven; 
VVN-BdA Lübeck; Würselener Initiative für den Frieden;
Zusammenarbeitsausschuss der Friedensbewegung Schleswig-Holstein ZAA



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