Block NATO 2017: 140 Arrests

One hundred and fifty nonviolent activists, amongst whom are activists from Agir pour la Paix, are currently disturbing the access to the NATO Summit through direct non violent actions. The summit is taking place in Brussels’ brand new headquarters. Their aim is to make themselves visible to the delegations on their way to the summit.
Through their radical, direct and nonviolent actions, they want to get across with conviction that NATO is actually a war machine, and that far from ensuring peace and security in the world, it only reinforces its instability through the threat of the use of nuclear arms.
With the NUKE-Free Zone campaign, Agir pour la Paix will keep taking action to demand that NATO members start the negotiations for the future Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty and ultimately, sign it. It’s time for Belgium to follow the will of the majority of nations, rather than continuing to bend to the diktat of NATO.
The American nuclear arms that have been stationed in Belgium (Kleine Brogel, Limburg) for over 60 years within the NATO framework, as well as those from other european “host” countries (Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Turkey), have to leave the European ground on which they should never have been allowed to be here in the first place.
Nowadays, nuclear arms represent the biggest threat to the planet and the last weapon of mass destruction that is not covered by a prohibition treaty. The consequences of their voluntary or accidental use, are such, that no country nor organisation  in the world could ever deal with it. “Belgium, just like other countries holding these arms, has to put an end to this russian roulette being played with humanity, and to put into practice it’s nice speeches in which it calls for a world without nuclear arms…” says Stéphanie, member of Agir pour la Paix.
More urgently than ever, it’s time to invest in solutions, rather than in NATO problems. NATO needs to be dissolved.

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