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No, No, No to War

We need nuclear weapons taken out of service by both sides. We need serious negotiations, beginning with the Minsk 2 agreement, not just empty talk. We need nations other than Russia or the United States to step up and insist on de-escalation and de-militarization, before this slowly spiraling madness reaches nuclear apocalypse.

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What Russia and Ukraine Could Do Better

For the price of what either the U.S. or the U.S.S.R. spent destroying just the one little impoverished nation of Afghanistan, Ukraine could be made a paradise on Earth. We ought to be capable of recognizing how unlikely that is to happen without losing the ability to be aware of it as a road available and not taken.

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Will Truth Invade Ukraine?

A month ago I published an article, suggesting that both West and East share equal responsibility to avoid the escalation toward major war in Ukraine.

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Conflict Management

Threatened or Actual Harm Can Provoke an Adversary Rather Than Coerce Them

The widespread belief that military action is necessary to national security rests on the logic of coercion: the idea that the threat or use of military violence will make an adversary back down, due to the high costs they would incur for not doing so. And yet, we know that this is often or usually not how adversaries—whether other countries or non-state armed groups—respond.

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Rest in Power, Frank.

Despite the horrors and despair of the past century, there have always been those who have borne witness to and resisted them. And therein lies our history and our hope. Such a person was Frank Showler, who we lost last Thursday at the age of 102.

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North America

But How Do You Stop Putin and the Taliban?

When I suggest not stealing billions of dollars from Afghanistan, and thereby not causing mass starvation and death, otherwise intelligent and informed people tell me that human rights demands that theft.

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Conflict Management

NO MORE WAR IN EUROPE An Appeal for Civic Action in Europe and Beyond

In response to the growing threat of a new war in Ukraine an international movement for peace and human rights is forming. In collaboration with European Alternatives and the Washington-based Foreign Policy in Focus we are pleased to host this international appeal to recover the spirit of the Helsinki Accords.

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VIDEO: Ukraine: The Next NATO War?

What’s going on in Ukraine? Why are Russian troops at the border? What’s it got to do with NATO? Peace movements across Europe are addressing these questions, engaging with peace activists in Ukraine and beyond to work for a sustainable peace.

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