A Soldier’s Life

20 Responses

    1. Thank you for this!
      Unfortunately this information isn’t allowed anywhere near our high schools. The armed services recruiters are allowed to talk this good game to our young folks, but nothing about alternative services!
      Post, tweet, share, whenever and wherever possible!
      I know this sounds harsh, but the only way to limit, or prevent future wars is to demand the draft; where everyone signs up and everyone goes! Congresspersons won’t stand for their children possibly becoming hurt or killed and won’t finance these horrific actions!
      Know everything you can long before signing up for voluntary military service!

  1. I wish more young people knew these things… In the 60’s its one of the reasons so many young people were against the Vietnam War… they learned about the lies to recruit young men and send them to fight… the macho thinking has assisted in implementing and preserving this system

    there are true heroes..there are good men and women who serve and deserve respect…but the system is very tainted and in some places outright corrupt… this won’t improve under our new president…it’s very scary

    1. Thank you for this!
      Unfortunately this information isn’t allowed anywhere near our high schools. The armed services recruiters are allowed to talk this good game to our young folks, but nothing about alternative services!
      Post, tweet, share, whenever and wherever possible!
      I know this sounds harsh, but the only way to limit, or prevent future wars is to demand the draft; where everyone signs up and everyone goes! Congresspersons won’t stand for their children possibly becoming hurt or killed and won’t finance these horrific actions!
      Know everything you can long before signing up for voluntary military service!

  2. The same as during Vietnam. Promises. Have it in writing and the Army can change your orders. I sat in Fort Ord for 3 days waiting for a plane to fly to South East Asia. If they needed my MOS in Nam I would not have gone to Thailand. I was lucky. The recruiters have to meet a quota so they market the “gravy” and leave out the combat basic Training, that you are “government issue”etc. They own you.

  3. I did not serve myself, but I was raised military, and as a member of a military family was warned from a young age about how the military treats their people and their follow through with the contracts signed by new recruits. I have watched my entire life as people who I know that served were denied benefits they were promised and I think this is great that someone is trying to warn young people what they’re really getting into.

  4. “Aargh!
    This video can’t be played with your current setup.”
    What does that mean? What do I need for a Macbook running OS X 10.11.2?

  5. After reading David Swanson’s book, ‘War is A Lie’, I can only see war now as mass murder. Another terrible lie is that peace activists are labeled as unpatriotic and, in some circles, seen as the traitors. We have all been massively brainwashed and need to take off the blinders. I want to thank the man in this video for speaking the truth.

  6. Thank you for this. It really needs to be seen widely especially by the young who think the army is a future.Some think it is exciting and even that they are “keeping us safe”, which we know is not true.

  7. Think it would be better if film showed more “battle porn”–e.g., bodies with faces blown off, splattered brains, etc. Also, if persons are determined to join military suggest they go into Coast Guard which is more concerned with saving lives rather than destroying lives.

  8. I’m afraid even the Coast Guard spends a lot of time as a tool in the “war on drugs” in addition to search and rescue.

  9. Dulce Et Decorum Est III & A Taste of Armageddon
    (Or the Empire has no Clothes but a Disposition Matrix)

    In due homage
    to Horace, Owen & Mikhail
    i humbly nod
    for how sweet & glorious
    it must be to kill or die
    the old lie
    for God & country
    via pompous duty
    in ersatz honor
    bubbling fools patriotic pride

    so c’mon kiddies,
    any up for good jingo sport?
    who’s hungry & poor,
    who wants to play
    the hubris ‘anything for profit’ killing game?

    As newspapers rah rah
    pied piper patriotism
    with journalistic integrity
    star spangled objectivity ha ha!
    as a new battle/fear lies just around the corner
    & armed forces day just weeks away hooray!

    rally loyal citizens
    to whitewash warm innocuous blood
    off disgraced musket & sullied polluted flag
    strike up the marching parade
    manifest destiny
    down main street usa hurrah!

    Awaken & open thine eyes
    chauvinistic folk
    come & see
    xenophobic overseas deeds of nefarious brutality

    You’re liable
    for this appalling
    tax-paid supported violence
    exported to hamlets & villages
    in lands you couldn’t find on a map
    nor correctly pronounce

    Assaulting families
    who’ve never
    did you any harm
    clans you’ve never heard of
    nor care less for
    so step on up
    one & all

    Take a trip
    to the overflowing morgues
    filled with small smashed bodies
    once toddlers
    full of laughter & life

    Deeply inhale
    the rancid stench
    of scorched flesh
    crispy burnt
    to a black bubbly mass
    by phosphorus

    Gaze into doll dead eyes
    frozen forever
    by shock & awe
    via your God blessed terror from above

    Crumpled atop a cold gurney
    a stiff finger of a tiny hand
    amidst a mish-mosh of mangled flesh
    bulls-eyed at you war supporters

    as grief-stricken father’s
    in shattered silence
    sifting through ragged debris
    devastating destruction
    for lost sons
    missing daughters

    ripped wet mangled body parts
    strewn out as pieces of a human jig-saw puzzle
    taking home
    the ear, the hand, the foot
    to be quietly buried
    while 6000 miles away
    blue-blooded heroes giggle and snicker
    at a video screen
    toe-tagging this crime against humanity

    to the heart-piercing shrieks
    as soul-torn asunder mothers
    wail like howling wild animals
    as they find their loves buried
    broken & bloody
    in the rubble
    of your glorious works

    Then if you can
    please explain
    to the unresponsive moaning
    neonatal orphan
    why your armed forces
    just murdered his parents
    by accident
    then wave a condolence payment
    like juicy enticement in his face

    as your special op-forces
    silently efficiently & quickly
    dig out bullets
    from civilian bodies
    to cover their tracks
    from being at the wrong address

    Declare as a national holiday
    murdered women at a bridal shower
    or when
    4 kids are droned to smithereens
    while tending sheep
    in exported evil exploits
    as great american victories
    for which your war crimes always are

    Trust flim-flam,
    the PR propaganda spin
    from subjective mass media
    obey leaders and church bosses
    pay your taxes
    which finances anglo-terrorism
    through illegal & immoral aggressive violence
    or listen to a blue rodeo

    Raise your filthy faux flag
    higher higher ever higher
    to hover over the rising pile where the butchered lie
    dear good christian citizens
    no civic rag
    could ever soar over
    the sick slaying of the innocent
    the accumulating abominations of flag-pledged atrocities

    Appraise  Fallujah
    surrounded & caged
    as the cowering cringing unarmed civilian inhabitants
    are shot, burned & barbequed
    like slaughtered sitting ducks
    in a ‘free-fire zone’ shooting gallery

    upon your sanctimonious attack
    at a school in Bajour
    where 69 children are massacred by joystick
    as you deceive yourself
    into believing
    it did not happen
    washing your hands
    turning as you walk away

    This is Sand Creek
    Wounded Knee
    My Lai
    too many other mass-media
    contorted & distorted great triumphs

    To whit
    no doubt in my mind
    the next war crime called
    a ‘battle’
    or a ‘humanitarian bombing’
    will be patriotically anointed too
    sanctioned of course
    by church state and school
    the old lie
    ta ta…

  10. Swords into plowshares

    i am not worthy
    nor deluded
    to be Christian
    nor Hindu
    or Jew

    Still i aspire
    to be spirtitual
    to become inclusive
    to instintinfly be

    i am black
    in between
    shades of grey

    i am
    from who knows when

    My feet are mired
    in the slime
    yet i reach
    farther than my grasp
    towards the stars
    to the end of my navel

    i eschew mammonism
    as i overindulge
    i aspire
    i aspire

    My love knows no bounds
    but i despise my own
    eschew companionship
    i am man,woman and child
    yet older than dust
    young as today

    i strive for peace
    as i war upon humanity
    i feed the hungry
    and house the homeless
    as i spend the future
    for the weapons of terrorism

    i am humanity
    such a paradoxical fool

    i snub my neighbor
    as i lust after his wife
    i sacrifice to a mythical maker
    as i foul this nest
    i mourn for the wrong
    i did yesterday
    as i conspire for more
    for today

    i am new,the latest
    still here and now
    it might be soon be over
    for i talked the talk
    with eloquence and such bravado and pride
    but my actions
    were insidious,odious and self-serving
    still here i am
    at the cusp of the abyss..teetering

    are humanity
    and are days are short
    for our end
    is just around the flying rocks
    any day
    it goes up in flames
    what if
    no one
    left here
    to tell our tale?

  11. Thank you for this!
    Unfortunately this information isn’t allowed anywhere near our high schools. The armed services recruiters are allowed to talk this good game to our young folks, but nothing about alternative services!
    Post, tweet, share, whenever and wherever possible!
    I know this sounds harsh, but the only way to limit, or prevent future wars is to demand the draft; where everyone signs up and everyone goes! Congresspersons won’t stand for their children possibly becoming hurt or killed and won’t finance these horrific actions!
    Know everything you can long before signing up for voluntary military service!

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