Vanessa Fox: Understanding Moral Injury

Vanessa Fox hugging a treeBy Marc Eliot Stein, World BEYOND War, September 28, 2024

Moral injury is a trauma that occurs when we are forced to act against our moral values, World BEYOND War’s organizing intern Vanessa Fox tells us. With wars raging from Gaza to Ukraine to Sudan to the US/Mexico border, we are all suffering from moral injury right now.

For episode 64 of the World BEYOND War podcast, Vanessa Fox joins host Marc Eliot Stein for an exploratory, personal conversation about working for an antiwar organization and participating in a global community dealing with multiple crises at once while also striving to understand and embody pacifist values as the realities of war shatter our ideals. We talk about how Vanessa’s education at a seminary in Oakland, California, growing awareness of the Holocaust and work at an animal shelter illuminated her path towards antiwar activism, and about what she has experienced as WBW’s organizing intern in 2024.

A few works mentioned in this episode: “Soul Repair: Recovering From Moral Injury After War” by Rita Nakashima Brock and Gabriela Lettini, the Network of Spiritual Progressives, Thich Nhat Hanh’s pebble meditation, and the new antiwar opera “Grounded” that just opened in New York City. Here’s an article Vanessa wrote for this website in July. Musical excerpt: “Grateful” by Nimo.

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