WBW Advisory Board Member Matt Hoh Addresses United Nations

By Eisenhower Media Network, March 23, 2024

Ret. USMC Captain and Eisenhower Media Network Executive Director Matthew Hoh, a member of World BEYOND War’s Advisory Baord, addresses the UN Security Council during its briefing on Ukraine.

One Response

  1. I watched your speech on YouTube. You are either a hypocritical person or you don’t know what you’re talking about. Your blind desire for peace on earth will cause even more deaths if your advice is followed.
    Putin never offered a peaceful solution to the war. Putin offered: give me the territories I want and then I will stop. However, this is a lie. Previously, he talked about three territories that he wants, now he talks about 6 territories in Ukraine.
    This is akin to suggesting – let us give these people to be eaten by the crocadile and we will have peace as long as it is fed. Putin is a crocodile. He wants to take away all the countries that were once under the influence of the USSR.
    If we make an agreement with him, then today there will be peace, but when he prepares for a new war, he will continue to seize countries and kill people. This is Russia and it has never stopped in its desire to seize new territories.
    The only sure way is to kill the crocodile, otherwise it will eat you and your family tomorrow.
    In part, the same problem is with the gas sector.

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