WBW News & Action: Ending War 101

Read our email newsletter from September 4, 2023.

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Ending War 101: This 6-hour online course invites us to look at the beliefs and thinking, both personal and cultural, that have allowed war to continue for so long. Learn more and sign up.

The War Abolisher Awards of 2023 and Why They’re Needed: This array of awardees in this third-annual War Abolisher Awards, and the laureates of the past two years, includes no presidents or foreign secretaries.

#NoWar2023 Conference: Nonviolent Resistance to Militarism will be held online Sept. 22-24. Register.

Ukraine is prosecuting WBW Board Member Yurii Sheliazhenko for supporting peace, and has now placed him under house arrest. Sign the petition to support Yurii.

A Book on Psychology at the Service of War and Torture Is Presented in Colombia: The authors of the book Javier Betancourt, Manuela Rodríguez, Christian Camilo, and Alfredo Rodríguez, spoke.

Photos Show WBW Canada In Action: Recent photos from Cones Not Drones actions, and beautification of city walls in Canada. In Toronto, WBW has been pushing to cancel the Toronto Air Show.

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Momentum is building to end the war in Ukraine. We need to push harder than ever.

Online Book Club with Peter J Manos and Shadows: Sign up.

Save the Date: Imagine Africa Beyond War Conference (Nov 23-25):

A 3-day virtual conference to strengthen & increase World BEYOND War’s networks in Africa to work collectively to end all wars. Register.



Lots to do in the coming season. Make sure you’re well dressed for it!

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
Should giant war-profiteering corporations decide what emails you don’t want to read? We don’t think so either. So, please stop our emails from going into “junk” or “spam” by “white listing,” marking as “safe,” or filtering to “never send to spam.”

World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada

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