World BEYOND War News: Opposing War in 175 Countries

People have signed the Declaration of Peace in 175 countries now!

Has everyone you know signed it? Can you ask them to? Just forward this email. You can also bring signup sheets on clipboards to events, including Armistice Day events.

In particular, can you please send this to anyone you know in any of these places where nobody has yet signed: Mongolia, Cuba, French Guiana, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Benin, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Angola, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, or Myanmar.

Celebrate Peace on Armistice Day #100!

November 11 marks the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day, the end to WWI. Join us in celebrating peace worldwide, and calling for the reallocation of military spending to humanitarian and environmental needs. Find an Armistice Day event near you, add one you know of to the map, or host your own.

Here are tools to help you.

Your Chance to Meet WBW’s Director David Swanson in Dublin!

The first International Conference Against U.S/NATO Bases is only two weeks away! Join World BEYOND War Director David Swanson in Dublin this November 16-18 for this historic, global gathering of the top experts, leaders, and activists in the close bases campaign.

Registration is still open!

Join World BEYOND War’s Campaign to Close Bases

Did you know that the United States has more than 150,000 military troops deployed in more than 800 military bases in more than 130 countries? There are over 50,000 in Japan alone!   These facilities are integral to preparations for war, and as such undermine international peace and security.  The bases serve to proliferate weapons, increase violence, and undermine international stability. Communities living around the bases often experience high levels of rapes committed by foreign soldiers, violent crimes, loss of land or livelihood, and pollution and health hazards caused by the testing of conventional or non-conventional weapons. In many countries foreign soldiers who perpetrate crimes have been granted immunity.

This wide-spread military presence is threatening and provocative. World BEYOND War believes that the closing of U.S. foreign military bases would result in a massive shift in foreign relations and a significant step towards the abolishment of war. To that end, World BEYOND War has decided to take this issue on as a priority. We are in the initial stages of detailing a campaign plan, and we are looking for people who are interested in being on the World BEYOND War No Bases Team. There are many ways to be involved including research, education and publicity, ally identification, and protest, just to name a few. If this is an issue that is of interest to you, and you would like to be a part of our of efforts, please drop us a line:

New Online Course: War Abolition 101: How we Create a Peaceful World: February 18 – March 31, 2019

War Abolition 101 is a six-week online course providing participants an opportunity to learn from, dialogue with, and strategize for change with World BEYOND War experts, peer activists, and changemakers from around the world.

Learn more and reserve your spot.

Time to Stop Attacking Yemen

Saudi Arabia’s murder of one man has generated the outrage that the Saudi/U.S.-led murder of tens of thousands in Yemen had not.

We now need to tell governments everywhere on earth to prosecute, not protect, warmaking countries and to end the weapons trade.

If you are in the United States, contact Congress here.

Drone Quilt Project now on display at WESPAC

From Wespac Foundation: Many thanks to retired U.S, Navy Veteran Leah Bolger who has been coordinating the Drone Quilt Project in the United States for several years now. The idea for a Drones Quilt came from women in the UK who started the project as a way to memorialize the victims of U.S. combat drones. The idea is to collectively create a piece of artwork which connects the names of activists with those killed. The names humanize the victims and point out the connectivity between human beings. According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, only about 20% of the drone victims have been identified, so there are many victims whose names are not known. Additionally, Pashtun culture prohibits the release of an adult woman’s name as they consider that an invasion of her privacy, so there are hundreds of women’s names which may never be known to us. We remember these unnamed victims with quilt blocks that say “Anonymous,” “Unnamed Woman,” “Unnamed Man,” or “Unnamed Child.” The important thing to remember is that each victim was a human being, with hopes, dreams, plans, friends and family. We hope that the Drones Quilt Project will help us remember that we are all the same – we are not worth more, and they are not worth less. We all have value.

News from around the world:

Peaceworkers Unite for a World BEYOND War

Tell the Truth: Veterans Day Is A National Day of Lying

Talk Nation Radio: Nicolas Davies on War Profiteers

How The Tentacles Of The US Military Are Strangling The Planet

Veterans Group: Reclaim Armistice Day As Day Of Peace

Classical Conditioning for Peace

Alice Slater for RT International

Why Not Peace | Chic Dambach — TEDxJHUDC

Regulating Apocalypse

Why Aren’t More Young People Involved in the Anti-War Movement?

Armistice Day Ended The War To End Wars. The Treaty Of Versailles Gave Us War Without End

Come to Nevada- Walk for Peace, Resist Nuclear Weapons, Stand for Indigenous People’s Rights and Fill the Jails!

Four Arrested While Blocking Military Drone Base: Traffic Blocked Beale Air Force Base for Nearly an Hour

Here’s a new PDF booklet about what World BEYOND War is working on. We need your support. When you buy anything as a gift or make a donation on someone’s behalf, we’ll send a beautiful card at the time of your choosing to inform the recipient of your gift to them.

1. Sign yourself or a friend or loved one up for our online course War Abolition 101.

2. Purchase the 2018-2019 edition of our book A Global Security System: An Alternative to War.

3. Buy (for yourself or as gifts) a sky blue scarf, or any of our wonderful t-shirts, hats, mugs, maps, flags, puzzles, stickers, pajamas, etc.

4. Make a tax-deductible donation to our billboards fund so that we can put up more billboards like these.

5. Make a tax-deductible donation — consider making it as a gift for a friend — to World BEYOND War.

6. Become a recurring donor and receive a scarf, t-shirt, or any of a great selection of books as our thanks.

Thank you to all of you who already support creating a world beyond war in all of the ways above! If you can do more, we’ll be able to do more!

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