World BEYOND War Launches Alumni Network

By World BEYOND War, February 26, 2021

World BEYOND War is launching an alumni network for all past participants in its online courses. (The fastest way to get in is to register for the course beginning on March 1st!)

The details of the network are being developed by its members. All past course participants have been invited to join a listserve and are organizing their activities.

The alumni network will:

  • provide opportunities for over 500 alumni located all over the world to remain connected.
  • enable alumni to expand their professional and personal networks.
  • support and facilitate exchange, coordination, and collaboration between alumni, WBW staff, board, chapters, affiliates, and other partners.
  • develop initiatives that work toward WBW’s mission.

Activities may include:

  • Engage more people in supporting WBW’s mission with a focus on education.
  • Nominate alumni to act as WBW reps at selected events, on a case by case basis.
  • Build capacity of alumni to develop, apply, and share knowledge and skills in the methodologies and pedagogies of peace education and related work. This is done through a combination of training, workshops, and mentoring activities.
  • Organise relevant meetings/discussion forums and support network development.
  • Share best practices and information within the network via skillshare workshops.
  • Engage with (and become a member) of other peace education-related networks.
  • Engage people with the Peace Almanac, AGSS, and related WBW work via knowledge exchange and community outreach activities.
  • Create artwork, social media memes, Tik Toks, podcasts, webinars, campaigns, Radio and insight polls.
  • Sign the Peace Pledge and collect signatures from others.
  • WBWAN challenges. For example, engage with community leaders about … hold a panel discussion at your school/community hall focused around …
  • Present work at WBW’s annual conference
  • Serve as guest facilitators for WBW courses
  • Contribute to and/or be featured in WBW newsletter (For example, one main feature each quarter)
  • Use hashtag #WorldBeyondWar for social media actions and other posts.

“We’re excited to be launching the alumni network today because it supports our work to grow a global community of people who are seeking to end war. The network will bring alumni together to share ideas and actions for working toward a just and sustainable peace. It will also offer a space for reflecting on how to work together more closely as a broader network of educators and activists.” —Phill Gittins, World BEYOND War’s Education Director.


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