Former CIA analysts Ray McGovern and Elizabeth Murray
Ukraine, Middle East, US-drone wars via Ramstein
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
7.30 PM
Location: Sprechsaal
Marienstrasse 26 in Berlin-Mitte
Ray McGovern (75) and Elizabeth Murray (55) have each worked for almost thirty years as a senior analysts in the CIA and other US security services. Murray was an officer in the National Intelligence Council and specialized in the Middle East. McGovern was as an employee of the CIA in charge of the morning reports the White House under seven US presidents. He was a specialist for the Soviet Union affairs; Previously, he was working at the US consulate in Munich as a liaison for the german intelligence service,the BND.
Both are now active in the US civil rights and peace movements. They belong to the inner circle of supporters of Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers in the US.
As members of Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) they warned
German Chancellor Angela Merkel on 31 August 2014 in an open letter about unreliable intelligence of NATO-satellite photos concerning alleged invasion of Russian army-units in eastern Ukraine.
Ray McGovern was a co-author and signatory of the open letter of 21 leading US peace activists and organisations who on May 26, 2015 called on the German Chancellor Angela Merkel to end the German assistance for the illegal US drone wars that are conducted via the US Air Base in Ramstein, Germany.
Elizabeth Murray and Ray McGovern will analyze the two regions of conflict in which they are specialized and other issues of foreign policy.
Moderator: Elsa Rassbach
Subsequent discussion. Event will be consecutively translated into German .
Admission free! – Donations welcome!
organized by: World Beyond War Berlin
participating groups and supporters:
Coop Anti War Cafe Berlin
Elsa Rassbach (Code Pink Deutschland, Kampagne “Stoppt den US-Drohnen-Krieg via Ramstein”, Drohnenkampagne Deutschland)
Berlin gegen Krieg
Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V.
Weltnetz TV (Videos, Interviews)
StopWatchingUs Berlin
Friedensbündnis Berlin
Pressenza – International Press Agency
Reiner Braun (IALANA)
Annegret Falter (Whistleblower Network)