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Standin’ in a Hard Rain
This is urgent. World BEYOND War is working with a large coalition on this effort. Please add your name to the petition for peace in Ukraine!
We are planning a second-annual 24-hour peacewave on July 8-9, 2023. This is a 24-hour-long Zoom featuring live peace actions in the streets and squares of the world, moving around the globe with the sun. Propose an event to include, or sign up to watch.
Has WWII done more damage since it ended than during the war? What damage is it doing now and how can it be stopped? Join the online course on Leaving WWII Behind.
Meet our new Latin America Organizer, Gabriel Aguirre! We now have eight staff people!
April 13 to May 9: Global Days of Action on Military Spending
News from Around the World:
Open Letter from World BEYOND War Ireland Calling on President Biden to Respect Irish Neutrality
Talk World Radio: Krishen Mehta on Why the Global South Does Not Support the War in Ukraine
Debate: Will Finland’s Addition to NATO Make Direct Conflict with Russia More Likely?
Madison, Wisc., Holds War Abolition Walk
Watch WBW Co-Founder David Hartsough in The Movement and the Madman
New York Times Is Now Telling Bigger Lies Than Iraq WMDs and More Effectively
Will Canada’s Investment in New Fighter Jets Help Start a Nuclear War?
Finland’s NATO Move Leaves Others to Carry On the “Helsinki Spirit”
When U.S. and Russian Troops Met as Friends
The G7 in Hiroshima Must Make Plan to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
The Immorality of the U.S. Government’s Budget
Secrecy, Science, and the National So-Called Security State
Daniel Ellsberg Has Foiled Those Who Want Him Confined to the Past
8 Arrested at the Nevada National “Security” Site
Reject U.S. Imperialism! Make Our Americas A Zone Of Peace
The Collapse of the War System Is Not Outpacing the Collapse of the Earth’s Climate and Ecosystems
Talk World Radio: Doug Lummis on War Is Hell: Studies in the Right of Legitimate Violence
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.
World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada