Video: Celebration to Honor David Hartsough, Recipient of the 2021 Clarence B. Jones Award for Kingian Nonviolence

By USF Institute for Nonviolence, September 6, 2021

The USF Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice, is pleased to honor David Hartsough with the institute’s 2021 Clarence B. Jones Award for Kingian Nonviolence.

Fellow activists, scholars, and dear friends, came together to celebrate David’s life of moral achievement as a dedicated nonviolent activist for peace, justice, and human rights. The USF Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice established the annual Clarence B. Jones Award for Kingian Nonviolence to honor and give public recognition to the life’s work and social impact of a major activist who in their life has carried forward the principles and methods of nonviolence in the tradition of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and King’s colleagues in the Black Freedom Movement of the United States during the 1950s and 1960s.

An extraordinary group of speakers, including some of the leading nonviolence activists and scholars in the United States, came together to celebrate David’s life of moral achievement as a dedicated nonviolent warrior for peace, justice, and human rights. Speakers included:
– Clayborne Carson
– Professor Erica Chenoweth
– Daniel Ellsberg
– Father Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J.
– Rev. James L. Lawson Jr.
– Joanna Macy
– Stephen Zunes
– Kathy Kelly
– George Lakey
– Starhawk
– David Swanson
– Rivera Sun
– Ann Wright

David Hartsough has led a truly exemplary life dedicated to nonviolence and peace, with enormous influence and impact on the world. I hope you can join us on August 26 for this special celebration honoring David’s lifetime of nonviolent activism to fight injustice, oppression, and militarism and to help achieve the “beloved community” Martin Luther King Jr. envisioned.

Celebration to Honor David Hartsough, Recipient of the 2021 Clarence B. Jones Award for Kingian Nonviolence from USF Institute for Nonviolence on Vimeo.

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