Syria Gas Attack Is Almost Certainly a “False Flag”

By Gerry Condon

The chances that the Syrian military actually carried out the gas attack in northern Syria are pretty much ZERO.  The Syrian government has absolutely nothing to gain from such an attack, and a lot to lose.  They are steadily gaining more ground, and the terrorist groups are on the run.  The Trump administration announced this week that it will not seek Assad’s ouster.  Peace talks to end the war are about to resume.  So who benefits from this horrific attack?

The sources for the gas attack reports are the rebel forces, their own media, and the “White Helmets,” who are notorious for creating “regime change” propaganda against the Assad government.  Famed investigative reporter Seymour Hersh has documented that the last large sarin attack blamed on the Syrian government was actually carried out by terrorist groups with the support of Turkey and Saudi Arabia.  Hersch also documented that chemical weapons were transported from Libya to U.S.-backed rebel groups in Syria by the CIA and Hillary Clinton’s State Department. 

Yet the mainstream media do not mention any of this.  They immediately jump all over this story like trained dogs. They ask no tough questions.  They entertain no doubts. They repeat previous lies that have already been debunked. They unashamedly interview sources who have long been cheerleaders for military intervention in Syria.

The enemies of Syria don’t even wait for an investigation to begin.  As if on cue, the White House, Members of Congress, Israel, the UK, France, the European Union and even Amnesty International are condemning the Syrian government.

So sit back and enjoy the show.  Watch a False Flag operation in motion.  Marvel at the coordination and power that the plotters have at their command.  See if you can solve the mystery.

Who is really behind this False Flag?  Besieged and desperate terrorists? Their supporters in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, NATO and the U.S.?  What is their intention?  Is it a last ditch attempt to revive “regime change” war and terrorists in Syria?  Is it an excuse for deploying more U.S. troop to Syria?  A cover for the apparent U.S. strategy of breaking up Syria into small pieces?

I recommend the following article by Patrick Henningsen in 21st Century Wire.  You will also find links to other valuable articles by Seymour Hersch, Robert Parry and Swedish Doctors for Human Rights.  See link below. 2017/04/04/reviving-the- chemical-weapons-lie-new-us- uk-calls-for-regime-change- military-attack-against-syria/

Don’t Believe the Lies!

26 Responses

  1. Thanks, Gerry. It’s long overdue for some members of the peace movement itself to stop accepting the lies of the corporate media and the humanitarian imperialists.

  2. It seems to me that once again the corporate media and the talking heads are paving the way with propaganda to support another racist war for the benefits of our arms industry that leads the world in the proliferation of weapons of death. The legitimate leaders of both Syria and North Korea and being demonized and pictured as less than human in order to justify the bombings of millions of children in both of those countries.

    1. Thanks Jerry,henry,and guy.
      You are all right.
      Linsey Graham and Trump need to listen up before WW3 is pushed.
      Tedzilla Michigan

  3. Shameless apologies for the greatest mass murderer of our time from Gerry Condon who drank tea with the dictator while Assad was dropping barrel bombs on the children of Aleppo. Those who live in the fantasy of seeing “false flag” every time reality contradicts their ideology are fooling only themselves. One hundred civilians suffocated by poison gas leads the apologists to immediately defend the brutal regime. No interest in an impartial investigation. Those who are serious about learning about Syria should start with

  4. Andrew, you Goddamned moron, Qui Bono??? Why in the fuck would Assad sabatoge himself like this when he was winning. Makes no sense. Don’t know why I’m wasting time on you. The fact you said “barrel bomb” means your a bleating sheep for life.

    1. This kind of nasty personal attack is common in the doctrinaire left, where those who question the accepted norm are viciously scorned, but without logical arguments on the point in question. It does not help the cause of dialog or the search for truth. It merely points to the attacker’s own weakness. A well expounded alternative view of the Assad regime and its motives was given this week on Democracy Now! at:

      1. There was nothing weak about “Morgan’s” reply, he is just frustrated by the complete lack of logic, evidence, and pure ideological blindness your post shows. Assad had NOTHING — repeat, NOTHING to gain from this. Blaming him is a sure sign you are either a shill or completely incapable of seeing the truth. The US and Gulf states armed and supplied a massive proxy army that tore Syria, with it’s relatively strong track record of religious freedom and respect for women’s rights, apart at the seams. Call him a strongman, dispute freedom of political speech, sure, OK, but only the interests of Israel or the methane-rich Gulf countries are served by the attack.

  5. The American People are not buying the “Madman gassing his own People”Propaganda. Why would Assad who gave his People free health care and education now gas them?The only ones to gain from this are the War Mongers from the Project for a New American Century and or The project for a Greater Israel.

  6. No mention of source of gas, let’s talk about the root cause, who’s supplying this shit?
    They’re the primary culprits, can’t be too many out there…

  7. “Cherchez les Zionistes,” I say. The “Plan for a New American Century,” control of the mainstream media and the geopolitical aims of the centralized banking system all give ample motive, method and means.
    PS: Same goes for 9-11.

  8. Christians are suffering greatly in the middle east! The egalitarian West is doing little, if anything to protect them or publicise that (of course).

  9. The neocons, globalist, and the Military Industrial Complex are to blame for this mess. Majority of Americans who actually take time to look at this suddenly realize that in Syria we have been arming and funding groups that are even more radical than ISIS. The MSM does not mention the thousands of kidnapped families that the White Helmets and the Islamic Army had been using as Human Shields up until a week or so again that are now missing and probably dead. If the news would do it’s job and report on Syria the way our media should then there would be an outcry of rage due to who we are supporting and arming. President Trump realizes this mess all to well and does want to get us out of Syria. He also understands that this was a false flag attack and is trying to figure out how to get out of this trap that the neocons and the rest have set for him.

  10. Shameless CNN, Fox and MSNBC are trying to fool American people by justifying another stupid, violent, futile, expensive war in the middle east by Trump under the pretext of totally fabricated story of chemical attack in suburbs of Damascus, Syria. Why millions are not marching in colleges and streets opposing this futile war by USA, UK and France?

  11. I consider myself neither liberal or conservative. I served 8+ years in the infantry, I can tell you that the number of people here in the US that are sheep is astounding. Syria has not declared war on the US, it’s made no threats, and poses no risk to Americans, yet we bomb them? Why? Because Assad supposedly gassed his own people? Why would he do that? It’s like a runner about to finish a race, stopping, sitting down then cutting off their foot before they reach the finish line. It’s tactically and strategically pointless. And by any chance, is anyone aware that if you mix a $2 bottle of Bleach with a $2 bottle of Ammonia that you will end up with chlorine gas? People need to wake up and realize that war is an economy.

  12. Whenever I smell a war coming, I smell money trail leading to USA Central Bank.
    I don’t think Trump is going to stop after 1 hr of bombing. More is to come in order to create the money flowing.

  13. I am fully expecting another false flag chemical attack in Syria between now and April 22 when the USS Harry Truman arrives in the Mediterranean. The MSM has been trumpeting the warnings that Assad has to be punished if he does another chemical attack, so they NEED the justification to launch the full shock and awe attack on Assad in Syria like they did to Saddam Hussein in Iraq. It’s like a broken record, they just keep using the same old playbook. Last time it was WMD’s this time it’s chemical weapons.

  14. Maj. Gen. Jonathan Shaw and Former 1SL Lord West have said they do not believe that President Assad was responsible for the Douma Chemical attack

  15. Yep, now in August 2018 the U S military and the CIA goon monkeys are planning to go at it again.
    They all want the natural resources Syria has to offer and to give it to our Zionist warmongers next to Syria.
    Write you politicians and tell them you will not vote for them, including the president if they continue their sick psycho plans.

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