World Beyond War August 2015 Social Media Campaign

“As a growing number of people are recognizing the insanity of militarism and militaristic
solutions in our world, pressure will increase irresistably to force the leaders
to end imperialism and to demilitarize.
” – Kenneth Ruby

Please support World Beyond War’s August, 2015, social media campaign!

First and foremost, provide comments (in the comment section below) telling us your thoughts on the question:

What does it look like
when the people
successfully “force leaders
to end imperialism and demilitarize”?

(We’ll be using your ideas to help us form our communications campaign for the weeks and months ahead!)

 . . . AND . . .

Help us share this message on social media:
Retweet our August campaign tweet and like @worldbeyondwar on Twitter.
Like and share our August Campaign message on Facebook, and like World Beyond War on Facebook.

 . . . AND . . .

Of course, please be sure to sign the World Beyond War Declaration of Peace, and receive regular updates.

(More on the main World Beyond War social media page!)

We want a

(what will it take for leaders to hear the message?)
(Please retweet this message!)

NOTE to first-time commenters: our moderator will review and approve your comment within a day.

4 Responses

  1. It looks like replacing bought & paid for Senators who yell, “Arm the rebels!” with responsible leaders who demand, “Disarm Assad” instead. And then do it.

  2. This will be vital for the return of democracy.
    The people’s voice is also vital to ensure human rights for all, not just for some. By ending the political power and money stranglehold of millions of dollars in arms trade, human rights for all can be restored.
    It is also vital to end the power corporations, banks and politicians hold over us.

  3. It looks like the true nature and desire of humanity undermining and overpowering the abitious manipulations of a few power addicts who have lost sight of their own birthright as members of a peaceful and peace loving, mature, communicative and evolving species.

  4. What does it look like
    when the people
    successfully “force leaders
    to end imperialism and demilitarize”?

    Clearly we do not have “leaders” in our currently elected representatives or we would never be in the position of forcing them to do anything.

    It is important to recognize that narrative control is the only reason that greedy, warmongering, profit seeking elitists can be referenced as “leaders” in this manner.

    It is imperative that proper terminology be developed moving forward with the ethics of leadership taking priority over the glamorization of profits and economics.

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