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2 Responses

  1. I can recite the following verse by memory, as one can observe in a Youtube video link on the website:
    I can be available to perform it any day of the conference.
    by Richard Ochs, Baltimore 6/9/14
    Historical documentation at:

    Dig it! Our War of 1812
    Was started by Yankees, truth to tell,
    Who invaded Canada; the Brits rebound
    And burned the White House to the ground.
    “Second War of Independence?”
    Not! That’s a load of rot!
    Patriotic propaganda, national pride
    Based on a pack of lies.

    To carve up Mexico,
    There our troops did go.
    Where they died. Their battle cry:
    “Remember the Alamo!”
    The truth they did not show.
    Where was Alamo?
    Scheming liars, now we know.
    It was in Mexico.

    Surprise attack was a lie!
    The bosses knew what was due
    In spite of those who died.

    The U.S. stole some colonies
    In 1898
    By sinking Spanish ships,
    Their trade to dominate.
    When the U.S. battleship Maine
    Was bombed and blamed on Spain.
    No proof explained, but lots to gain:
    Guam and Philippines,
    Puerto Rico, Cuba too
    Were gobbled up right on cue.
    Their independence drowned in blood.
    Their workers ripped off in the mud.

    Germans tried to emulate
    Our thefts of 1898.
    British Empire with colonies
    Attacked by Germans on high seas.
    Capitalism’s rivalries
    Caused World War One say histories.
    American people did not want war,
    So bosses tricked us as before.
    Warnings from the battle zone
    Of German U-boats was well known.
    But the Lusitania ship was sent
    Into danger with cruel intent.
    With civilian passengers aboard
    And hidden weapons stowed and stored
    At the time we could not see
    Our broken treaty of neutrality.
    Avenging deaths meant more recruits.
    Two million Yankees put on their boots.

    Surprise attack was a lie.
    The bosses knew what was due,
    But not you and I and not those who die.
    They made it happen or let it happen
    on purpose, Criminal deception on purpose.

    Germans failed to replicate
    Our thefts of 1898.
    Yankees helped the Brit’s empire
    Set reparations very dire,
    Resulting in a Nazi coup,
    Thus World War One caused World War Two.

    One Korea, split in a rift,
    It was nineteen fifty, June twenty fifth.
    Both sides claimed the other shot first.
    In provocation, the South was worse.
    That dictator, Syngman Rhee,
    The U.S. puppet designee,
    Bragged that he planned to invade,
    Was first to the line and there he stayed.
    Clear to those with opened eyes:
    With all guns aimed, ‘twas no surprise.

    Surprise attack was a lie.
    The bosses knew what was due,
    But not you and I
    And not those who die.
    They made it happen or let it happen
    on purpose, Criminal deception on purpose.

    Vietnam started with a sham.
    A whole generation butchered and damned.
    MacNamara did repent.
    For two million lives he wrongly spent.
    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    Was a problem, not a solution.
    Based on a lie. There was no attack
    On a U.S. destroyer. That’s a fact.

    Surprise attack was a lie.
    The bosses knew what was due,
    But not you and I and not those who die.

    Reagan lied to Congress in 1983
    To attack Nicaragua with illegality
    When Ollie North sold guns
    To Iran and sent the funds
    To the Contra terror plan
    For Sandinista land.

    Bait and switch was the trick
    To start the first Gulf war.
    Google and see April Glaspie,
    The U.S. ambassador,
    Who told Saddam it’s OK to bomb
    Kuwait to settle a score.

    Surprise attack was a lie.
    The bosses knew what was due,
    But not you and I and not those who die.
    They made it happen or let it happen
    on purpose, Criminal deception on purpose.

    Google “oil Afghanistan”
    That will show our invasion was planned
    Before Nine Eleven, pipelines to lay
    And a greedy reason there to stay.
    Was Nine Eleven an inside job?
    Stampeding war, peak oil to rob.
    When we look for whom to blame,
    Suspect the ones who hope to gain
    Google for yourself and see
    A New Pearl Harbor was the key
    For U.S. oil supremacy.
    So says New American Century.
    Sibel Edmonds of the FBI
    Said that Condoleeza lied
    When asked if they knew
    Hijacked plane attacks were due.
    There were many people who
    Gave warnings of attack.
    Richard Clarke told us
    Of plans to blame Iraq.
    As detectives often do,
    Muslims were entrapped.
    Their entry visas were waived.
    We know that is a fact.
    Allowed to fly by the FBI,
    In flight school they were tracked.
    So says agent Coleen Rowley
    Who was told to shut her trap.
    Allowed to plane and take the blame,
    Were patsies hijacked
    By remote controlled aircraft?
    That is technically a snap.
    War games planned for that day
    Let Cheney have his way.
    Overridden brass did yield,
    With interceptors far afield.
    Rejecting blame for all the dead,
    Condi, Bush and Cheney said:
    “No one really could’ve known
    That missile planes would’ve flown.”
    But Richard Cheney (NRO. ) planned some drills
    For that day of woe
    With errant aircraft scenarios,
    The White House had to know.!

    Surprise attack was a lie.
    The bosses knew what was due,
    But not you and I and not those who die.
    They made it happen or let it happen
    on purpose, Criminal deception on purpose.
    U.S. oil wars in perpetuity
    Based on that day of infamy.
    After the towers fell,
    Anthrax was in the mail.
    Along with the letters sent
    A phony jihad epithet.
    Horrified to the core,
    The country moved toward war.
    With Congress out, the die was cast:
    The Patriot Act was passed.
    Detectives since found out
    The anthrax used, no doubt
    Was from a domestic source.
    An inside job, of course.
    The FBI blamed a dead man.
    His co-workers say that’s a sham.
    The killers are still on the lam
    And are free to strike again.
    If that does take place,
    To more war we may race.
    Repeating history again and again
    And again, and again, to the end.
    A false flag lie!
    The bosses knew what was due,
    But not you and I and not those who die.

    Conniving corporate hawks
    Flaunting money that talks
    Tricked us into foreign wars
    By concocting shocks.
    Like shocking the flock with a chopping block
    To start the second Gulf War,
    They hacked the facts to attack Iraq
    And lied about why for.
    They did not see WMD
    Or weapons of massive gore
    Seven million Iraqis lost their homes for a lie!

    Since all these foreign lands
    The U.S. did invade
    Were smothered with a rotten scam,
    Nine eleven’s another charade.
    At least a dozen times prior
    The U.S. plotted war,
    Butchers and bare faced liars
    Always as before.
    A false flag conspiracy,
    An inside job ruse,
    Corporate media complicity
    While brainwashed people snooze.
    U.S. oil wars in perpetuity
    Based on that day of infamy.
    Reichstag plotter Hermann Goering
    Learned from our history.
    That corporate bosses scamming war
    Mocks democracy.
    So get prepared for the next big scare.
    Don’t let our taxes be tapped
    By chasing phantoms and singing anthems
    As criminals clap their trap. (repeat)

    Did you see the news today?
    Distorting truth as innocents die.
    Can we believe a thing they say?
    Or just another big fat lie!

    Bearing false witness,
    Thou shalt not kill.
    The hypocrite religious
    They will rot in hell.

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