New Video Promotes #NOWAR2024 — Upcoming Annual Conference Online and in Four Realworld Locations

By World BEYOND War, August 4, 2024

The #NoWar2024 Conference is coming up in less than two months on September 20-22! It’s happening online everywhere — all on Zoom — but also happening in the real world as events in Australia, Colombia, Germany, and the United States.

Watch and share the new #NoWar2024 trailer video on the following platforms to help spread the word about the event:

We’re less than 2 months until #NoWar2024 on September 20-22. In addition to sharing the promo video, here’s how you can help us get the word out:

The conference website here is continually being updated with more details as speakers are confirmed. We’ll also be in touch to send you all the details in the lead-up to the event.

See you at #NoWar2024 this September!

One Response

  1. AT 86 I have been opposed to wars since being in Washington D.C. in January 1960, when retired army general, then out-going President Eisenhower, told the nation, “Beware of the military/industrial complex!” How right he was and still is, with our debt continuing to rise!!!!! Rather than putting future generations in debt for the military/industrial complex, lets increase taxes on our wealthy, who pay very low taxes, percentage-wise to their income, for MANDATORY pre-K through college AND medical care FOR ALL, like they have in Canada; European countries; and Cuba and Nicaragua, the 2 poorest countries in our hemisphere.

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