Make Peace Dolls

By Harriet Johansson Otterloo

Friends and fellow peace activists,

It’s about time we get going again, to become a movement to rely on. One person cannot do everything, but each one of us can do something. Once again, it’s women taking the initiative, but it is for everyone to bring to attention the issues and questions that are important to our children, grandchildren and not the least our planet.

I would like to encourage all creative forces out there: Come together! Discuss! Sew, knit, embroider dolls, about 20- 30 cm, but any size will do. Each doll will have a ribbon around their neck or waist, and this sash will hold a call out of how we want the world to be and what we find important. A DOLL OF PEACE becomes the MESSENGER!

Proposals of ribbon messages:

  • ”We want peace for all living things”
  • “Read, learn and spread the Charter of the United Nations”
  • “We cannot afford war, use the funds for PEACE instead”
  • “Switch from production of weapons to building societies”
  • “Protect our planet, work for peace”
  • “All are obliged to protect the well-being of children”

I’m sure you have as many, probably even more, good ideas – take action and put these messages on the ribbon of the doll.Use the crafting of dolls as a forum for discussion! Create your own doll, discuss, bring new ideas to life! Have fun!

How will we use the dolls?

The dolls are simply messengers to convey our wishes for this world. We can put up exhibitions. We can send dolls with messages to those who have the power to decide. We can send dolls to the new Secretary-General of the UN and support his ambition to change and renew the organization. We can gather many, many of these dolls to court our politicians and other important influencers that we would like to speak for us. We can take pictures of our dolls, turn them into postcards and send them with our wishes to our desired destination. What do you think? How can we make these dolls into advocates of change, peace and dialogue and democracies?

What else could we do?

Sing! We could sing in choirs, small or large. We can, could and should relive the hymns of peace of the 70’s and 80’s. Our grandchildren don’t know them, and it would be a shame if they would never learn them, to learn the joy of singing together across generations. The things we do together are the things that brings us joy. So sing! Sing, sing, sing!

We’ve changed things before and we can do it again! Dolls of peace and singing in choir bring us together in the strive of a better world for all. For a common future in collaboration and harmony. Together we are strong.

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