Look at This Ceasefire Billboard in Little Rock, Arkansas

By World BEYOND War, January 23, 2024

World BEYOND War affiliate Arkansas Coalition for Peace and Justice (ACPJ) has put up a billboard on I-630 through Little Rock, Arkansas, near Arkansas Children’s Hospital that reads “Almost Half of the people in Gaza are CHILDREN!! Text Ceasefire to 209.285.1017 peaceforgaza.org.”

The website to which it refers people reads:

The death toll in Gaza continues to rise, two-thirds of whom are women and children. Children in Gaza make up nearly half (47%) of Gaza’s population, and their deaths now exceed ten thousand. In fact, the number of children killed in Gaza every day exceeds by far every other recent conflict including Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Iraq. We focus here on children because they are such innocent bystanders and their deaths so obviously a manifestation of genocide. Yet all members of families of every faith are caught in the ongoing cycles of devastation, not merely direct attacks, but forced displacement, lack of food and clean water, and destruction of infrastructure including hospitals. The transparent aim is to destroy the Palestinians in Gaza. In short, the goal is genocide, which is not only immoral but a transgression of international law.

The Arkansas Coalition for Peace and Justice (ACPJ) does not “take sides” in this conflict or in any other conflict. We condemn all terrorism, just as we oppose all military responses to terrorism. The only way to end the killing is to stop killing. ACPJ calls for an immediate ceasefire, for an end to military aid, and for humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.

  • Text CEASEFIRE to 209.285.1017 to be notified of local actions.
  • Urge Governments to Invoke the Genocide Convention to Stop the War on Gaza at World BEYOND War.

ACPJ is a local affiliate of World BEYOND War.

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