Thousands of protests, vigils, teach-ins and nonviolent acts of resistance are taking place all over
the world, surrounding the International Day of Peace, 2016.
Please join us in envisioning new directions for sustainability, as we build a world of hope for
our children, who now live with the ravages of war and climate change.
We will be joined by David Swanson, of World Beyond War, a global movement to end all war,
and a friend of the Afghan Peace Volunteers.
We’ve also invited guests from many countries to share with us how they have developed creative,
yet practical solutions to the problems of diminishing resources and threatened life support systems
now facing the world.
They’re using new approaches like “permaculture”
and building “eco-farms”. . .
5 – 8 pm : Kabul, Afghanistan
3:30 – 6:30 pm : Gaza, Palestine; Iraq
1:30 – 4:30 pm : UK, So. Portugal
8:30 – 11:30 am : Eastern time US
JOIN THE CALL: see the schedule