Press Advisory
World Beyond War & Backbone Campaign
For Immediate Release: August 30, 2017
WHAT: Kayaktivists and other boaters will assemble in a colorful spectacle on the lagoon on the East shore of the Pentagon. People from across the country are connecting the dots on the U.S. military’s role as leading consumer of oil and polluter of the earth as it prepares for and conducts endless resource wars that destroy lives and the environment at home and abroad – including on the Potomac River.
Nearly 50 years after the Pentagon’s “levitation” kayaktivists who have taken on oil rigs in the Pacific Northwest are joining with their allies from across the country for a demonstration buoyed by flotation. Colorful human-powered watercraft and giant banners will festoon the lagoon East of the Pentagon to confront the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complex with a compelling call for peace and sustainability.
WHERE: The boat launch area at the Columbia Island Marina. The Marina may be accessed by car from the southbound lanes of the George Washington Memorial Parkway.
WHEN: Sunday, September 17, 2017. Flotilla launches at 12:30 p.m., lifts banners at 1 p.m., returns to shore at 1:45.
MEDIA ACCESS: The best photographs will be taken from on the water between 12:30 and 1:30 pm. Photographers and journalists who would like to be taken out and back on a motor boat, as well as editors who would like to be provided with photos or videos, should contact
CONFERENCE ON WAR AND ENVIRONMENT: This flotilla is planned one week prior to a conference on war and the environment planned by World Beyond War at American University.