People, organizations, and governments around the world, and people and organizations in the United States, need to stand up at long last and nonviolently resist the lawless behavior of the rogue U.S. government.
The recent U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear agreement with Iran is not an aberration. It parallels the U.S. withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and numerous other disarmament agreements, the U.S. opposition to the International Criminal Court, its record-setting use of the veto in the United Nations Security Council, and its unique status outside the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Paris Climate Agreement (which it withdrew from) and other fundamental treaties. Of the United Nations’ 18 major human rights treaties, the United States is party to 5, fewer than any other nation on earth, except Bhutan (4), and tied with Malaysia, Myanmar, and South Sudan, a country torn by warfare since its creation in 2011.
There is a reason that most countries polled in December 2013 by Gallup called the United States the greatest threat to peace in the world, and why Pew found that viewpoint increased in 2017. Since World War II, the United States military has killed or helped kill some 20 million people, overthrown at least 36 governments, interfered in at least 84 foreign elections, attempted to assassinate over 50 foreign leaders, and dropped bombs on people in over 30 countries.
In military spending (over $1,200 billion per year) and weapons dealing, the U.S. government has no peer. Only 19 other nations on earth spend more than $10 billion per year. Seventeen of them are U.S. allies and weapons customers.
The U.S. government is directly responsible for policies that make the United States, by various measures, the worst destroyer of the world’s natural environment.
The United States government is out of control, and the force needed to resist it successfully is not a military one. It is the nonviolent organized support for the rule of law that can be mobilized among the people of the world, including the people of the United States.
People interested in helping with this effort can sign the following petition to the people of the world and submit ideas and proposals:
2 Responses
Let’s BDS ALL governments that wage war and terrorism, not just the U.S. How about Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and ISIS and Boko Haram, etc? Let’s be against All war, not just single out one country even if it is the worst. And let’s be pro peace, promote a compelling alternative to disenthrall those enchanted by the war system wherever they live.
I try always to vote with my money to the extent that I am aware. I don’t know anything about why I should boycott Russia or Iran. I don’t believe Russia or Iran are enemies. I buy from local producers where I can, and I boycott military industries I’m aware the Apartheid Israeli produced or used equipment by Caterpillar, Hyundai, Soda Stream, Ahava Dead Sea cosmetics, Sabra hummus. I try not to purchase gasoline from the Mideast so I buy from Citgo. My next car will be electric. I’ve given up Amazon and Whole Foods. Any ideas on what else not to buy?