At last, people understand that the war in Ukraine was deliberately provoked. As correctly said, this is a war between the US and Russia, but cleverly staged by the US in a far off land, with not a single US soldier involved. The unfortunate Ukrainians are just collateral damage. As the US intended, this war is extremely painful also for Russians, having to fight their friends and relatives, an act of unpardonable malice. The solution is quite simple; Ukrainian demilitarised neutrality guaranteed by both the US and Russia. But this requires a climb down by the US, and in exchange, Russia releases the Donbas. Forget about Crimea, that is now part of Russia again.
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2 Responses
At last, people understand that the war in Ukraine was deliberately provoked. As correctly said, this is a war between the US and Russia, but cleverly staged by the US in a far off land, with not a single US soldier involved. The unfortunate Ukrainians are just collateral damage. As the US intended, this war is extremely painful also for Russians, having to fight their friends and relatives, an act of unpardonable malice. The solution is quite simple; Ukrainian demilitarised neutrality guaranteed by both the US and Russia. But this requires a climb down by the US, and in exchange, Russia releases the Donbas. Forget about Crimea, that is now part of Russia again.
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