When Is It a Crime to Pay Tax?

Most taxpayers know that evading tax is a crime, but how many of us know that paying tax can also be a crime?  Chris Coverdale, a tax resister, explains.

It is a salutary fact that every time a resident or visitor to Britain purchases a cup of coffee or buys a drink in a pub we make a small but significant contribution to war and the mass murder of innocent men, women and children.  Every time we pay tax we take part in the world’s worst crimes – genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes against peace.

Under the domestic and international laws of war[1] citizens are forbidden from taking part in a war on the side of the aggressor and are legally bound to disobey the orders of any Government that takes part in illegal war or supports acts of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes.  This duty to refuse to obey unlawful Government orders includes orders to pay tax [Income tax, Council tax, VAT etc].  If a government uses the funds raised by taxation to wage illegal war or to commit genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes, then a taxpayer’s normal duty to pay tax is reversed and becomes a duty to refuse to pay tax.

“ The very essence of the Charter is that individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience imposed by the individual State.  He who violates the laws of war cannot obtain immunity while acting in pursuance of the authority of the State, if the State in authorising action moves outside its competence under international law…”

Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunal 1946

War is never lawful; it was outlawed in 1928 by the Treaty for the Renunciation of War (Kellogg-Briand Pact).  This treaty, which formed the legal basis for the Nuremburg War Crimes Trials and the prosecution of Germany’s leaders, is still in force.  The only occasion when the use of armed force is lawful occurs when a State is under attack and it acts in self-defence to repel the attackers.  On all other occasions the use of armed force is illegal.

“War between nations was renounced by the signatories of the Kellogg-Briand Treaty.  This means that it has become throughout practically the entire world an illegal thing.  Hereafter, when nations engage in armed conflict, either one or both of them must be termed violators of this general treaty law…. We denounce them as law breakers.”  

HenryStimson, USA Secretary of State 1932

Wilful killing during war is a crime.  If a person is killed as a consequence of an aggressive military action then the death is unlawful and everyone involved in the commission of the crime commits an offence and can be charged with a war crime, a crime against humanity, genocide, a crime against peace, murder or complicity in these crimes.


In international law each of the wars fought since 2001 against Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya is illegal.  Not only do they violate the Kellogg-Briand Pact and the UN Charter, but by killing civilians, the leaders and taxpayers of every State involved in these wars committed murder, crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

Under the common law doctrine of ‘joint enterprise’, Article 25 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court or Terrorism legislation every citizen of a NATO State who has paid tax since 2001 is technically an accessory to the crimes committed by their Government, and is criminally liable for arrest, prosecution and punishment for complicity in war crimes.

The fact, that taxpayers and tax collectors can be arrested, tried and punished as war criminals alongside the civil, political and military leaders responsible for waging a war may come as an unwelcome shock to those who are not familiar with the laws of war.  But it should be no surprise to anyone who has experienced or considered the horrific consequences of war.  Waging a war, in which tens of thousands of totally innocent men women and children are injured and killed, is the world’s most evil act; so supporting a war, by paying tax and providing the funds to buy the weapons and pay the troops, ranks alongside it as a monstrous crime.

Taxpayers who have unwittingly supported illegal wars will be relieved to know that the legislation provides them with a get-out clause[2].  Article 25.3(f) of the Rome Statute states:

…  a person who abandons the effort to commit the crime or otherwise prevents the completion of the crime shall not be liable for punishment under this Statute for the attempt to commit that crime if that person completely and voluntarily gave up the criminal purpose.

As long as taxpayers end their participation in the crimes immediately and refuse to pay tax to their government or its agents until the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Pakistan have ended, they will not be punished.  To avoid the possibility of being tried and punished as an accessory to war crimes, sign a Declarationwithdrawing your consent to taxation until all unlawful military actions have ended and the UK Government is abiding by its treaty commitments and the laws of war.   Remember, if you continue to pay tax whilst HM Forces and our allies in NATO are attacking and killing innocent civilians – a war crime, you are liable in law for arrest and prosecution as an accessory to war crimes[3].

We all have a choice.  We can withhold tax and force our Governments to end their illegal wars or we can continue to pay our taxes and prolong the carnage.   It’s our choice and our decision.

 “War is essentially an evil thing.  Its consequences are not confined to the belligerent states alone, but affect the whole world.  To initiate a war of aggression therefore, is not only an international crime, it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”                               

    Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunal 1946

[1]Treaty for the Renunciation of War (Kellogg-Briand Pact), UN Charter, Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunal, Nuremburg Principles, Genocide Convention, Geneva Conventions, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Terrorism Act.

[2]Article 25.3(f) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

[3]S. 51 and 52 of The International Criminal Court Act 2001 or S.1, 2, and 3 The International Criminal Court [Scotland] Act 2001

40 Responses

    1. You have to set up a trust, and put 90% of your tax into it. Notify HMRC and let them know they can collect it once they can prove they aren’t complicit in war crimes. They haven’t collected since 2018.

      If you’re on the PAYE scheme, let your employers finance department know you do not want to be complicit in a government crime and let them know your trust information. They will then pay 90% of your tax into that.

      Make sure to check every tax year with HMRC if they are able to collect it. Likelihood is no.

      Hope that helps!

      1. Is there any further documentation on this methodology? I would like to read more about it and see what prevents the government doing what they always do, come heavy handed, and force the trustee to pay up.

      2. Hi katelyn, can you please provide further information, any references, any come backs, anything we might need to know, fine prints etc.

      3. How would I go about doing this in the correct manner and wording in order to get the correct outcome, and what type of trust would it be?

      4. Where does the other 10% of tax go to, if not the govco? ANY monies going to govco is in affect aiding the war cause, and can see us still liable. Either employers pay ALL tax into said trust acct, or psy ALL our tax back to ourselves to manage, till such time our countrys involvement has ended.. That is the only way to avoid liability, period!

      5. Why would you pay 10% and accummulate any taxes for future payment? While it is unlawful, it is unlawful, null and void. No payment at all. Use the funds to do something good. Or you really think the gov will listen to you and reverse their crimes? The harm has already been done. Lives have been destroyed.

  1. Now in the process of following through on this – I am citing the recent vaccination events in my letter also.
    Are you able to post a bulletproof version of a declaration to Copy and paste?
    I plan to make whatever I act on available to a wide circle of similarly interested folk I know, so a copy/paste type thing would be very helpful, along with any other references/citations you have found are needed.
    Thanks for the info. Love it. The more folk twe can get involved, the quicker the nastiness stops.

    1. Please keep us update and steps on how to do this from setting up trust account to communicating to relevant bodies.

    2. Legal challenges:** Placing 90% of your income in a trust and challenging HMRC to prove non-involvement in war crimes before collecting taxes is not a recognized legal defense against tax evasion. HMRC would likely reject such claims and could pursue legal action for non-payment.
      * **Burden of proof:** Even if a legal challenge were accepted, the individual would face the burden of proving their non-involvement in war crimes, which would likely be extremely difficult and resource-intensive.
      * **Potential consequences:** If the attempt at avoiding taxes is deemed fraudulent or obstructive, the individual could face even harsher penalties than simply paying the owed taxes, including fines, imprisonment, or criminal charges.

      **Misconceptions about war crimes and tax evasion:**

      * **Tax evasion and war crimes are distinct legal matters.** Not paying taxes does not automatically equate to involvement in war crimes. Similarly, proving non-involvement in war crimes doesn’t exempt someone from fulfilling their tax obligations.
      * **HMRC’s role does not extend to investigating war crimes.** Their primary function is to collect taxes, not investigate potential human rights violations.

      **Alternative Approaches:**

      * **Engage with HMRC:** If you have concerns about your tax obligations, the best approach is to consult with a qualified tax advisor or directly communicate with HMRC. They can offer guidance on legal and compliant ways to manage your finances.
      * **Address any ethical concerns:** If you have ethical concerns about how your taxes might be used, there are legal and legitimate ways to express your disagreement and advocate for changes in government spending priorities. Engaging in civic activism or supporting organizations that align with your values can be more effective than attempting to use questionable tax strategies.


      * Tax evasion is a serious offense with potentially significant consequences. Engaging in deceptive or illegal schemes to avoid paying taxes is not only risky but also undermines the foundations of a fair and functioning society.
      * Addressing ethical concerns about war crimes or government spending requires responsible and legal strategies. Consulting with professionals and engaging in constructive dialogue can be more effective than resorting to unconventional or unlawful methods.

      Please research before doing anything

      1. of course that’s their opinion ion. all governments a use us the people and all must be called out or you remain I slavery… stand up as a man and creation of God and demand they recognize your lawful status rather than their presumptions and fictional bullshit… they’re all guilty of war crimes and if Canada Inc has not usurped the sovereignty of the People and currently holds us in a state of marital law as a foreign occupying force of Britain, I expect material evidence of substance attached to any rebuttals…

  2. Is there any further documentation on this methodology? I would like to read more about it and see what prevents the government doing what they always do, come heavy handed, and force the trustee to pay up.

  3. Can we stop paying tax in the UK because the government is still allowing companies from this country to supply arms in Israel and therefore contributing to the ethnic cleansing in Palestine?

    I can’t find the information anywhere, the hurdle I’ve come across is that the UK does not recognise Palestine as a country, is that an issue that would prevent us?

    Thank you for your help

  4. I looked into some of these sources and none of them – that I’ve checked into – are even factually true. Do your own research because apparently unless it’s a government document, your odds of it being made up are very high which is very dis-heartening.

  5. HMRC is a registered in Delaware private corporation and possibly now is also a trust. As such, it is an offshore corporatrion and has questionable practices in regard to collection of what i have come to find; Voluntary tax paymentd

  6. Citizens have to work as one and have a lawyer set up a trust fund but it has to be for everyone therefore we are uniting as a big group and the lawyer should start legal action against the government based on the present facts.

    The legal action should be that we the taxpayers have a right to not support an illegal war with our tax payers dollars. Since the government is using our funds for illegal purposes we have the right to refuse to support this action and therefore refuse to further support the government with our tax dollars. This can be used further to claim that the money in this trust will not be given to the government until there is a criminal investigation into the COVID 19 response and their criminal response forcing vaccinations that were touted as safe but were not and that this criminal investigation will be publicly controlled and overseen to ensure that the actions of the government and their enforcers will be investigated to the fullest. There is abundant on proof to substantiate a claim against the government and since these are all illegal actions the claim being sought after will be a lot more than what the taxpayer has held in trust. There should be multiple groups suing the government but it will be hard to find lawyers that will be willing to risk their careers to do so. Hopefully there are enough honest lawyers that want to do the right thing.

  7. The stupid sheeple of these countries need to REMOVE the evil criminal bastards from government. All this war is because of the approaching Planet X that the chemtrails hide every day globally for thirty years. Planet X caused the sinking of Atlantis and Noah’s flood. This time around it will end the coming, planned WW3 that is going to destroy America and kill 90% of Americans. All planned by the evil criminalo bastard governments and the pure evil billionaires. Most of Western Europe is going to sink into the ocean when Planet X comes around this time.

  8. The stupid sheeple of these countries need to REMOVE the evil criminal bastards from government. All this war is because of the approaching Planet X that the chemtrails hide every day globally for thirty years. Planet X caused the sinking of Atlantis and Noah’s flood. This time around it will end the coming, planned WW3 that is going to destroy America and kill 90% of Americans. All planned by the evil criminalo bastard governments and the pure evil billionaires. Most of Western Europe is going to sink into the ocean when Planet X comes around this time.

    Publish this you criminal bastard!

  9. A very fear based view to keep good moral minded people complying. You say it’s a crime to not pay taxes…. HMRC role does not extend to investigating war crimes.
    Who said anything about them doing the investigating. Remember, they’re criminals. Would you let a rapist investigate his own crime?
    Speak to them , address any moral concerns. Yeh sure , Dave. That would mean they’d first have to have morals. You don’t think they know they’re killing innocent people?
    Consult a qualified tax adviser. What made them qualified is they’ve been brainwashed to believing the control mechanisms you’re preaching. All fear based. Trying to frighten good people from fighting back .

  10. A very fear based view to keep good moral minded people complying. You say it’s a crime to not pay taxes…. HMRC role does not extend to investigating war crimes.
    Who said anything about them doing the investigating. Remember, they’re criminals. Would you let a rapist investigate his own crime?
    Speak to them , address any moral concerns. Yeh sure , Dave. That would mean they’d first have to have morals. You don’t think they know they’re killing innocent people?
    Consult a qualified tax adviser. What made them qualified is they’ve been brainwashed to believing the control mechanisms you’re preaching. All fear based. Trying to frighten good people from fighting back .

  11. I have sent a letter to HMRC saying that I am not prepared to fund any war as per the advice given in the http://www.probityco.org‘s website.

    I received a letter back from HMRC saying, amongst other things,

    “There are no provisions for anyone to withhold tax, or decide which part of government expenditure they would like their payments allocated to or excluded from on grounds of conscience, or because they disagree with certain aspects of government spending or action. Allowing this would restrict the government’s ability to respond flexibly to changing priorities, or react quickly to unforeseen circumstances.

    The European Convention on Human Rights, to which the UK is still a participant, has previously supported this view”.

    I will reply but need to have a think about how I reply. I have set up a trust and I have put monies into this trust in preparation to pay should they prove they are not complicit however, who knows if this will ever happen and whether or not I will end up having to pay!

    1. I think the misconception is in the us it’s voluntary where as in the uk it’s legal and there’s no “legal” right as people are saying to opt but morally correct to do so I think I’m going to do it with my council tax as I’m a PaYE and don’t want to go throw the hassel.

  12. Having read a lot of replies to the remedy of withholding taxation. HMRC will always deny the provision for not paying taxes as will any lawyer and solicitor as they are part of the establishment. To erase any doubt in anyones mind, do your own due diligence and research, especially the Terrorism Act 2000 sections 15, 16 ,17 and 19. which specifically states that it is illegal to fund terrorism. Section 19 is about reporting the funding of terrorism to the police.
    However, in light of the corruption of the police by government, don’t rely on that too much, but it is still the law, no matter how corrupt the police are.
    The International Criminal Court Act 2001 section 50 also confirms that it is illegal to fund any act of terrorism.
    Don’t forget that the government in the past has signed up to the Terrorism Act and the International Court Act, they signed up to it on our behalf. We must hold their feet to the fire.
    YOU MUST look at probityco.org for all the information required. There is a lot of information on that site so you MUST read it all. Chris Coverdale, the man who wrote it has not died, he is still very much alive. He is a peace activist and a War Lawyer, so he knows what he is tacking about. On the site, you will read that he has been sent to prison twice, but he has fought back and won. Look on youtube as well and find Richard Vobes Chris Coverdale. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuYiKb9CwQY
    That should answer a lot of questions.

  13. Zeer zeer krachtig en Interesant, klaarheid is hier wat mij betreft , Ben blij dat we z,n strider hebben ,die voor de Mensheid vecht, Dat hij door de Engelen beschermd blijft., veel kracht en liefde zend ik hem.

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