Cones Not Drones! Using Ice Cream to Take on Canada’s Planned Purchase of Its First Armed Drones

By World BEYOND War, July 31, 2023

Activists with Montreal for a World BEYOND War and the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute gave out free ice cream at Parc Lafontaine on Sunday, July 23 at 1PM in a “Cones Not Drones” action calling for an end to Canada’s planned armed drone purchase.

“We are giving out ice cream as a sweet reminder of the need for peace rather than war this Summer,” said Bianca Mugyenyi, Director of the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute (CPFI).

Cones not Drones actions are happening in numerous cities across the country over the summer as part of a Canada-wide #NoArmedDrones campaign to halt the Canadian government’s planned purchase of its first fleet of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) for an initial cost of five billion dollars. Drones can and have been used in extrajudicial executions, surveillance of targeted populations, and violations of human rights.

“The Canadian military does not need armed drones”, said Cymry Gomery, Coordinator of Montreal for a World BEYOND War. “The vast sums of money allocated for these weapons could be better used to address real security concerns, like combating forest fires and mitigating the climate crisis. Make no mistake, these RPAS, while sometimes referred to as drones, will not be used to deliver Amazon packages or to put out forest fires. They will be used to surveil and photograph protesters and for extrajudicial executions overseas... in other words, for killing people based on secret government lists, without the usual legal process of arrest, formal accusation and trials.”

It was a beautiful summer day, and many passersby were happy to accept the offer of ice cream, while also signing a petition or using the online action to email their Member of Parliament.

Join the action online in English here or in French here.
Can you host a Cones Not Drones stand near you? Reach out via the contact form here and we’ll give you everything you need to set up your stand. 

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