Category: Europe

Saluting for Trump

The Long History of the Nazi Salute and the USA

If you do a web search for images of “Nazi salute” you find old photos from Germany and recent photos from the United States. But if you search for images of “Bellamy salute” you find countless black-and-white photographs of U.S. children and adults with their right arms raised stiffly out in front of them in what will strike most people as a Nazi salute.

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Julian Assange

Kafka On Acid: The Trial Of Julian Assange

By waving all this through — refusing either to strike the new material out or grant an adjournment — Magistrate Vanessa Baraitser turbocharged the tradition written about long ago by Charles Dickens in A Tale of Two Cities, where he described the Old Bailey as, ’a choice illustration of the precept that “Whatever is, is right”’.

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