Category: Why End War

map showing military bases in Maryland

Maryland, My Maryland! Test These Waters For PFAS

Last month the Maryland Department of the Environment released a report  that found no cause for alarm regarding the presence of PFAS in the St. Mary’s River and its oysters near a navy base that dumped the substances into the water during routine fire-fighting exercises. The chemicals, per – and poly fluoroalkyl substances, are linked to cancer and fetal abnormalities.

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call for embargo in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Guess Who Arms Both Azerbaijan and Armenia

As with many wars around the world, the current war between Azerbaijan and Armenia is a war between militaries armed and trained by the United States. And in the view of some experts, the level of weapons purchased by Azerbaijan is a key cause of the war.

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From Indigenous People’s Day to Armistice Day

November 11, 2020, is Armistice Day 103 — which is 102 years since World War I was ended at a scheduled moment (11 o’clock on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 — killing an extra 11,000 people after the decision to end the war had been reached early in the morning).

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A photo exhibition, in the bombed out rubble of Kabul's Darul Aman Palace, marking Afghans killed in war and oppression over 4 decades.

Afghanistan: 19 Years Of War

The NATO and US backed war on Afghanistan was launched 7th October 2001, just a month after 9/11, in what most thought would be a lightning war and a stepping stone onto the real focus, the Middle East. 19 years later …

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