Una Ofrenda Por la Paz
Este Miércóles 20 de Diciembre del 2023, se realizará un evento, donde participan líderes con un camino de Paz de toda América.
Este Miércóles 20 de Diciembre del 2023, se realizará un evento, donde participan líderes con un camino de Paz de toda América.
Guest speaker will be David Swanson.
Once again, they’re standing beside each other in a long row. With ties around their necks, excited but serious expressions on their faces and brows photogenically wrinkled with concern, they’re ready to save the world from the fiery furnace.
So here we are again at another COP (Conference of the Parties). Well, some of us are in Glasgow, Scotland at the COP itself, and some of us, this writer included, are sitting at a distance, trying to feel hopeful.
On September 27, 2021, World BEYOND War announced that the recipient of the inaugural War Abolisher Award, in the Civic Initiative Category, would be the Save Sinjajevina campaign.
A few days before the IPB World Peace Congress 2021 in Barcelona, we talked to Reiner Braun, Executive Director of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) about how the peace movement, trade unions and the environmental movement can come together, why we need a peace congress of encouragement and youth, which will take place completely hybrid from 15-17 October in Barcelona and why it is exactly the right moment for it.
These four programs offer alternatives and actions we can take to redirect our common wealth for the health and prosperity of people and the planet.
Author, activist, journalist, radio host, David Swanson spoke at the “Never Forget: 9/11 and the 20 Year War on Terror” event. David Swanson is executive director of World Beyond War and campaign coordinator of Roots Action.