Category: Demilitarization

Ending Slavery in Washington DC and War in Ukraine

The belief in the justice and glory of past wars is absolutely critical to the acceptance of current wars, such as the Ukraine war. And the gargantuan price tags of wars is highly relevant to imagining creative alternatives to escalating a war that’s placed us closer to nuclear apocalypse than ever before.

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How Australia Goes to War

As the Ukraine war fills our screens and the risk of a war provoked with China rises, Australia seems automatically joined at the hip to US wars. A reform to the war powers law could be the only way to secure into the hands of the representatives of the Australian people the right to head that off.

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Are we Heading Toward WWIII & Nuclear War?

It has become unbearable to observe the western media, in the grip of corrupt military contractors, wielding their undue influence on the unknowing victims of the media “news” reports as they publicly and shamelessly celebrate their enormous profits this year from the billions of dollars in weapons they are selling to keep the Ukraine war going.

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Italian Veterans Against the War

The former Italian soldiers victims of depleted uranium are against the sending of weapons and soldiers and demand truth and justice for themselves and for civilians, following the ‘uranium pandemic’ unleashed by NATO.

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