Berlin Chapter

About Our Chapter

World Beyond War (WBW) plädiert für ein Ende aller Kriege.

Wer wir sind.

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Grundsatzerklärung: “Wir verstehen, dass Kriege und Militarismus uns weniger sicher machen anstatt uns zu schützen, dass sie Erwachsene und Kinder töten, verletzen und traumatisieren, die natürliche Umwelt schwer schädigen, Bürgerrechte erodieren, unseren Volkswirtschaften schaden und Ressourcen von lebensbejahenden Aktivitäten abziehen. Wir verpflichten uns dazu, uns für gewaltfreie Bemühungen zu engagieren und diese zu unterstützen, mit dem Ziel, alle Kriege und Kriegsvorbereitungen zu beenden und einen nachhaltigen und gerechten Frieden zu schaffen.”

Our Campaigns

The chapter has participated in numerous marches, rallies, and events, including protests for peace in Ukraine, the Easter Peace Event, weekly vigils under the motto “United Front for Latin America” and “Hands Off Venezuela,” Hiroshima/Nagasaki Day, and many more. The chapter, along with Attac Berlin, the German Peace Council, Roger Waters, and other sponsors, organized a billboard campaign with the message “Nukes are now illegal! Now get them out of Germany” in honor of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons entering into force in 2021. Thirty large billboards were posted in Berlin, and the chapter organized 4 public events and put up posters throughout the city to raise awareness for the campaign. In November 2021, the chapter participated in a meeting of the European sections of the World Peace Council in Portugal where the “Nukes are now illegal” campaign was presented.

Sign the Petition

Deutschland darf sich nicht an die Seite der kriegsführenden Nationen der Welt stellen.

Chapter news and views

We’re Putting Up New Billboards In Germany And United States

As part of our ongoing global billboards for peace campaign, and as part of our efforts to organize events and awareness around the entering into law of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on January 22, 2021, we are working with the organizations named on the billboards below to put up billboards around Puget Sound in Washington State and around downtown Berlin, Germany.

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