By Hudson Mohawk Magazine, March 20, 2024
Kathy Kelly recently wrote an article for World BEYOND War about the Great Starvation in Ireland and how it relates to the starvation and suffering being presently borne by Palestinians. She discusses the issues with Mark Dunlea for Hudson Mohawk Magazine, as well as providing on update on the War Tribunal for Merchants of Death.
2 Responses
dont see how both sides could live together,after all the genocide. Maybe 2 state if you could ever get the settlers to move.
Thank you for your continuing helming of these issues Kathy. And for managing in a ten minute interview to name the real culprits in the genocide, and the imperiling of our safety, that corporate news continuously obscures: MICIMATT, the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex. (With apologies to Ray McGovern.) Indeed, is its, purpose.