Audio: Converting Our War Economy

Monday morning  at 7-8AM  tune in (KPFK 90.7 fm) or log on:

Lila Garrett’s  CONNECT THE DOTS.  Guests include:
Commentary: Converting our war economy

David Swanson, Nobel Prize Nominee. Author of WAR IS A LIE, ( on Congress’refusal to vote on war with Iraq.  Leaves it entirely up to Obama.  And House rolls over on pro-corporate Fast Track & sends it back to Senate. Sen. Diane Feinstein is swing vote. She’s for Fast Track and TPP.  Call her Monday.  Tell her to vote NO.    Also Swanson on a thriving country with no military….Costa Rica.  And much more….

Former Exec. Dir. of Pacifica, Grace Aron on the upcoming election at KPFK.   You must join  KPFK by July 14th to vote or run for the Board.  Grace will fill in the details.

Lila Garrett (Host of CONNECT THE DOTS)
KPFK 90.7 FM in LA; 98.7 Santa Barbara; 93.7 San Diego;
99.5 China Lake
Airs Mondays from 7AM to 8AM.
Link to program page
Link to podcasts
Each show is online for three months.

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