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VIDEO: Ukraine: The Next NATO War?

What’s going on in Ukraine? Why are Russian troops at the border? What’s it got to do with NATO? Peace movements across Europe are addressing these questions, engaging with peace activists in Ukraine and beyond to work for a sustainable peace.

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North America

Volunteer Spotlight: Sean Reynolds

The February 2022 Volunteer Spotlight features Sean Reynolds, a former co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence who is currently volunteering with the WBW events team.

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North America

The Warmongers Miscalculated

What if they only consulted the same geniuses who told them to value the filibuster and bipartisan harmony over the lives of struggling people?

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Why Ukraine Needs the Kellogg-Briand Pact

In 1929, Russia and China proposed to go to war. Governments around the world pointed out that they’d just signed and ratified the Kellogg-Briand Pact banning all war. Russia withdrew. Peace was made.

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Culture of Peace

An International Neutrality Project Launches

Peace organisations and individuals in all regions of the world are invited to participate in this campaign either in cooperation with Veterans Global Peace Network or separately and should feel free to adopt or adapt the suggestions in this document.

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VIDEO: Webinar: Reinvest in a Just World

This exciting conversation connects the dots between the anti-war and climate justice movements, and shares exciting efforts in the reinvestment space towards creating a just, green, and peaceful future.

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