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Weapons Symposium Had No Place in Madison

From June 24 to 26, a joint conference called National Space & Missile Materials Symposium & the Commercial and Government Responsive Access To Space Technology Exchange was held at the Monona Terrace. #WorldBEYONDWar

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After 75 Years, What Is NATO Good For?

NATO plans to celebrate its 75th birthday this week in Washington, D.C., and there will no doubt be much happy talk about how tirelessly the alliance works for peace, democracy and world stability. #WorldBEYONDWar

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Why Do We Need Feminism in Geopolitics?

Since the onset of the war in Ukraine, we have witnessed an unprecedented polarization of the media space. Not only has truth fallen victim, but also humor and basic common sense have succumbed to bellicose rhetoric. #WorldBEYONDWar

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NATO’s Wars Versus Human Survival

Nations that lend their names and respectability to a war addict are not its friends. The friendly thing to do would be to cut it off and take an independent stand for peace. #NoNATOYesPeace #WorldBEYONDWar

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VIDEO: Canada Out of NATO

On the eve of NATO’s 75-year anniversary celebration in Washington DC, the co-author of NATO: What You Need To Know joined Talking Foreign Policy: an internationalist perspective on Canadian foreign policy. #WorldBEYONDWar

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