A Real Day for Veterans

By John Miksad, Peace Voice, November 10, 2021

Some 30,000 post 9/11 service members and veterans have been desperate enough to take their own lives.  A real day for veterans would provide mental and physical support services that would seek to reduce or eliminate these self-inflicted casualties.

There are 40,000 homeless veterans in this country. A real day for veterans would address their physical and emotional needs and help them access permanent housing.

One of every 10 post 9/11 veterans has been diagnosed with a substance abuse problem. A real day for veterans would help them get treatment without stigmatization or shame.

Fifteen percent of post 9/11 veterans suffer from PTSD. A real day for veterans would provide them with the mental health services they need to cope with the soul-damaging trauma they experienced.

Of course, the only real solution is to prevent this terrible toll on our veterans by keeping our young men and women out of harm’s way and shielding them from the tragedies that befall them as a result of the physical and emotional trauma of war. This is the best way to protect and support the rest of us as well. The fact is that the real threats to our safety and security cannot be addressed by military actions.

First, the COVID pandemic has taken the lives of 757,000 US citizens over the last two years. We need to work to get through this pandemic and then take the lessons learned to prepare for future pandemics. This will take time, energy, and resources.

Second, climate change is dramatically impacting US citizens and people around the world. We are now seeing; first-hand; the flooding, wildfires, storms, heatwaves, droughts, accelerated species extinction, and the first climate refugees. Experts predict that all of these phenomena will continue to grow in frequency and magnitude.

Third, the threat of nuclear annihilation has been dangling over our heads like a sword of Damocles for more than 70 years. There have been close calls and near misses over the decades but we continue to allow our leaders to play nuclear chicken, jeopardizing civilization and all life on the planet.

All of these threats are global threats, threatening all people of all nations and can only be solved with a global response. It won’t matter who has supremacy in the world if it is in ashes. Currently, we are fighting over deck chairs on the Titanic while the ship is going down. It is foolish, destructive, and suicidal.

A new approach is required. The old Cold War ways no longer serve us. We need a new paradigm that replaces relentless competition in the name of myopic economic national interests with global humanitarian concerns. It is in the interest of all people and all nations to deal with these global threats. War and conflict increase fear, hatred, and suspicion of one another. We need to break down existing barriers between nations and start working together on the things that can harm us and undermine our safety and security.

Currently, the US Congress has been debating (with a corresponding public debate) the merits of two large legislative packages now totaling around $3 trillion of spending over 10 years. The debate has been raging for months. Yet, at the same time, Congress is pushing through what amounts to a $10 trillion plan for the Pentagon over the same time period with relatively little discussion in Washington DC and even less public discussion. We need to realize that the military cannot solve our current or future set of problems; indeed, reprioritizing our spending now could solve many of them. Ending the death, suffering, and destruction caused by arms races and war is the first step toward building the trust required for international cooperation and collaboration. The only reason engagement, diplomacy, treaties, and relentlessly striving for lasting peace has not worked is because it hasn’t yet been tried.

Eliminating war and militarism would allow us to focus on reducing or preventing the harm caused by the existential threats. We would reap additional benefits as well. Reduced fear and suspicion of “other,” reduced stress, anxiety, and worry, a cleaner environment, an improved democracy, greater liberty, and less human suffering would accompany a fiscal shift from militarism to actual life-affirming needs. We could improve education, clean up our water, reduce violence in our society, improve our infrastructure, provide better housing, and create a sustainable economy that we can be proud to bequeath to our grandkids. We can help our current soldiers and veterans in the process. In other words, we can work toward building a better world rather than destroying other nations and our own through endless war.

A rational nation would see the history of overwhelming military failures over the last 70 years and conclude that war does not solve our issues; in fact it exacerbates them. A rational nation looking forward would not choose ever increasing militarism and never ending war when pandemics, climate change, and the threat of nuclear war endangers all of humanity.

This Veterans Day should be a resounding commitment to true national service, choosing peace, choosing our environment, choosing the best future for our grandkids.


John Miksad is Chapter Coördinator with World BEYOND War and a new grandfather.

Information on Armistice / Remembrance Day Here.

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