Lex Innocentium

By Lex Innocentium 21st Century, October 24, 2024

Lex Innocentium 21, a contemporary law of the innocents,  was launched in Ireland on 21st September and we want to invite you to read and sign the law.

It has been promulgated in response to:

⦁ the alarming rush to militarization worldwide, with its fear-funding propaganda,

⦁ the shocking and inexcusable waste of resources (material, financial and intellectual) on the war system,

⦁ and the abject failure of governments around the world to uphold and adhere to international humanitarian law.

This is a moral, bottom-up, soft-power people’s law that demands protection from the scourge of war for the innocent and the powerless throughout the world now and in the future, and for Planet Earth and all her varied and extraordinary ecosystems and living creatures.  It draws on the pre-colonial Irish legacy advocating for peace and the need to defend neutrality to support peacebuilding.

PLEASE READ AND SIGN this new people’s law on our website.  https://lexinnocentium21.ie

Add your voice and make Lex Innocentium, 21st Century a strong international tool in the struggle for peace.

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