In Madison, Wisconsin, Pressuring Congress to End Wars

By Madison for a World BEYOND War, October 3, 2024

We want our members of Congress to join Senators Merkley, Welch, and Sanders in blocking weapons sales to Israel. We also call on Congress to halt NATO-backed strikes inside Russia, stop arming Ukraine, and support a ceasefire before a world war breaks out between nuclear powers.

On Tuesday, Oct 1, Madison for a World BEYOND War canvassed at Library Mall on the UW-Madison campus. We invited students to sign cards to our members of Congress asking them to block weapons shipments to Israel. Many students stopped to talk and 45 people signed cards. Then we walked over to Senator Tammy Baldwin’s office to vigil and deliver the cards.

Outside the office, we vigiled, and bumped into Sarah Anstaett, who is the state director for Senator Baldwin.  We asked her to join our vigil circle and listen to our concerns. She did.  We talked to Sarah for 10 minutes, then went inside to Baldwin’s office together and delivered the cards from students.

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